Senior men have higher rates of suicide than average, and firearms were involved in more than three-quarters of those deaths in 2021, according to a CDC report

  • u/
    11 months ago

    While I agree with this statement i dont agree on everything you''ve said. That mentally ill people should almost certainly not be given MAID and this MAID stuff is getting out of hand for christ sakes there handing out MAID to homeless people and people with very much cureable with treatment mental illnesses absolute

    I’m not going lie to you dementia and AD can not be cured and are categorised as diseases. in my opinion in a situation where someone with dementia,terminal cancer or any other terminal disease which causes great harm and distress wants medically assisted suicide then I think this is fine. MAID should only apply to terminal illnesses or serve physical disabilities such as being both blind and having mutupile amputations stuff that causes great pain and great distess and the person receiving MAID should be have to fully consenting and willing to the idea of MAID.

    People with Mental disabilities and mental illnesses should never receive MAID They arent in great pain or distress instead they should receive proper treatment and care that they need and help with integration into society finding a job,assistance with care,housing etc