For me it’s detailed describtions about people’s dreams.

Not only doesn’t your story make any sense, but you’re also telling me about something that didn’t even happen. It’s kind of like telling about an event, and then ending the story by saying you just made it all up, except with dreams you begin by telling it’s all made up. I’m already not interested before you even started.

  • WashedOver
    11 months ago

    It’s funny no matter which side we are coming from we rarely get checked on our views in our social media curated echo chambers.

    In the old days we would have been pulled more to the center due to most people in real life being a little left or right of it.

    I still think many really are but that doesn’t sell ads or moves people to vote like what about them outrage or think of the children boogie men do. It’s a shame how polarized we’ve become.