I think most of us who moved here from Reddit are enjoying our time here on kbin.social. We’ve left a lot of the riff-raff behind us and made new friends with intelligent, thoughtful members of kbin, Lemmy, Mastodon, etc…

But we need to spread out.

Not only have we stressed the server with thousands of immigrating users, but we were being watched by darker forces, namely Meta and Instagram.

A quick search of the net will show that we were not the first mass-migration. The first migration was last year when people from ‘the bird site’ (rhymes with jitter) fled Elon Musk’s new regime. Most of those people moved to Mastodon.

We largely moved to kbin. Kbin.social to be more exact.

I’m a member of both Mastodon and kbin, and a couple of posts shocked me. The first one about Meta I have found again:


The second one about Instagram I have failed to locate, but the gist was that Instagram had reached out to one of the larger Fediverse servers and asked the person who runs to have a meeting ‘off the record’. That person turned them down and told other members of the Fediverse what happened. The general consensus is that this was going to be a monetary offer to allow Instagram to further colonize the Fediverse by purchasing one of the larger servers.

And therein lies the problem: if the majority of users gravitate to a few large servers, then that leaves those larger servers vulnerable to exploitation.

I, as a recent immigrant, did not understand this. I thought that, intuitively, we should all gather in one place and grow the server. It’s the exact opposite. We need to spread out to smaller instances. This didn’t really register with me until I spoke with this person.


Remember too that having an account on a smaller instance still allows us to see everything on kbin.social. For example, look at this:


We are looking at a mixture of posts from Lemmy and kbin.

Moving to a smaller instance does not limit your interactions. What damages the fediverse is people trying to recreate all of Reddit on one instance.

TLDR: If you like it here, the best thing you can do for the fediverse right now is to set up on one of the less populous instances.

I invite correction and clarifications.

EDIT: Adding further sources below.

Meta/Facebook is inviting Fediverse admins under NDA for “meetings” (mstdn.social)

Facebook, Inc. is planning to join the Fediverse. How do we make it lose as much money as possible?

Beware Of Meta Offering Gifts To Mastodon

Meta vs Mastodon: Battle for the Future of Decentralized Social Media

Legal-Copyright discussion from Mastodon yesterday

And a cartoon to boot


  • smokinjoe
    26511 months ago

    It hasn’t even been two weeks. Let people get used to the platforms.

    Difference instances are showing up slowly, so maybe instead of saying everyone needs to split up before communities and magazines have had a chance to mature even in the slightest, we slow down a little bit and support the hosts and developers we have now.

    Or perhaps, look for new instances and report back on places folks can migrate to.

    • GargleblasterOP
      2611 months ago

      Magazines having a chance to mature is going to lead to people being further entrenched on one instance.

      • smokinjoe
        3611 months ago

        If you use reddit as an example, they have hundreds, thousands of subreddits.

        We aren’t anywhere close to even a hundred nature magazines.

        Allowing people to be comfortable for a month won’t cause any long term damage.

          • livus
            811 months ago

            Brb, just going to create m/aardvarks, m/african wild dogs, m/anteaters, m/antelopes, m/ants, m/armadillos…

        • GargleblasterOP
          211 months ago

          You know who’s uncomfortable? The person behind the scenes keeping the server afloat while you make yourself comfortable.

          The real message here is that you’re not going to move.

          I didn’t expect everyone to get the message, so you do you.

      • Machinist3359
        3011 months ago

        I do wonder if it would be healthier for the fedditverse for instances to really narrow their magazine/community footprint. I.e. “This is an Anime instance” a “Science instance” etc. Making off-topic magazines could either be discouraged or outright banned.

        Not looking forward to having dozens of “news” and “technology” magazines sharing the same stories,

        • eu
          1011 months ago

          That’s fair but what if, say, the “news” instance dies/goes offine or something along these lines, isn’t all the content it hosts going to be lost or become inaccessible? Not sure how the whole thing works but it’s something that’s been concerning me. With redundant communities across multiple instances at least the whole topic won’t go down with any single instance.

        • wjrii
          911 months ago

          I sort of think instances forming around distinct communities is what the Fediverse’s early architects had in mind, but it just doesn’t seem to be turning out that way. Users are not frequently self-segregating by ideology (e.g. lemmygrad) or interest (e.g. startrek.website). Even beehaw is not really specific enough to be ideologically distinct. Lemmy.ml is even less so, despite the devs/admins politics, and lemmy.world or lemmy.ca aren’t even trying. Neither is kbin.social, to be fair, but imho that’s okay. It’s just a fact to deal with.

          Without the expected behavior, you end up with one of two options. On one hand, you hope that the admins of tiny instances are superstars and populate their /c/'s or /m/'s to attract a following against all odds and force the projects back on the roadmap by having all the fans of a niche community or all the people interested in a specific viewpoint post mostly or entirely on the relevant instances /c/ or /m/. On the other, you have the discourse dominated by a few busier instances when their new “subs” populate more quickly. The latter, while not ideal, is not as bad as true centralization and, importantly, it seems to match actual behavior and it might be useful for front-end devs of apps and sites to make choices that work with the user behavior as best they can, like optional auto-aggregation of identically named communities.

          • bitwise
            211 months ago

            Auto-aggregation with an option to disable it locally, maybe?

        • @[email protected]
          811 months ago

          This happened a good amount on mastodon and was very helpful. It’s part of why I’m on Midwest.social right now

        • @someguy3
          711 months ago

          That’s what I think too. There’s going to be a dozen gaming communities in their own instance and none will really take off. To get it going there needs to be one.

          • GargleblasterOP
            211 months ago

            You don’t have to be on the gaming instance to participate in the gaming instance.

            You can participate in the gaming magazine on kbin.social even though you have moved elsewhere.

            • jalda
              711 months ago

              The person above wasn’t talking about that. They were talking about fragmentation. For example, I am subscribed to three different Formula 1 communities/magazines, one in kbin.social, another in lemmy.ml and another in lemmy.world. There is no difference between them, other than the site they’re hosted. I know that I can participate in all of them, and I have participated in all three. But I’m still unsure how should I participate. If I find an interesting article, should I post it only to one of them? To which one? Or crosspost it to all? (btw, lemmy has an option to crosspost, but kbin doesn’t) And if the topic is posted in several communities, should I comment in one or in all of them? Maybe should I encourage people to migrate to the larger community? Or maybe we could solve the problem by creating a unified community!

              • GargleblasterOP
                211 months ago

                The solution is to stop thinking that moving to a new instance means that you need to create these things all over again. You move your account to a smaller instance and then participate where you like.

            • @someguy3
              11 months ago

              My point was there is going to be a lemmy.ca gaming community, a Lemmy.World gaming community, a Lemmy.ml gaming community, a beehaw.whatever gaming community, kbin.whatever gaming community, plus another dozen. It will be hard for any of them to take off because users are split.

      • Deliverator
        1611 months ago

        Frankly I think we need more people before we can start getting concerned about things like that. If we’re trying to make the Fediverse a viable alternative it has to be appealing and easy enough to use that people want to use it. If we don’t get that right this whole thing is doomed from the start

        • GargleblasterOP
          311 months ago

          The fastest way to get kbin.social defederated is if you try to build it into reddit with everyone participating from the same instance.

          As for not being concerned, many in the fediverse watching us roll in are concerned. Not because they don’t like redditors, but because everyone is going to one of 3 or so places.

      • Ertebolle
        11 months ago

        Can magazines migrate instances like users can? (even ignoring federation concerns, at some point it’s going to be much easier to scale this thing if the more popular magazines can spawn off to their own instances)

        • @[email protected]
          3111 months ago

          No but once the magazine/community has been created it doesn’t really matter which instance it lives on because any user from any instance can post, comment and mod in that magazine.

          • Infiltrated_ad8271
            311 months ago

            This will be something to regret when a community wants to avoid censorship or move before the closure of an instance.

            • @[email protected]
              311 months ago

              If they want to “avoid censorship” (aka put things online they know others find offensive) then those instances should just never turn on federating from the beginning. Because then they cry afoul later when they can’t blast their messages to other instances anymore.

              • Ertebolle
                611 months ago

                There’s all sorts of reasons to be nervous about federation - say you’re starting a community dedicated to Falun Gong or some other subject the Chinese government despises and are worried about moderators of larger instances coming under pressure to shut it down.

                But yes, it does seem like the best way to manage that is to start it off on an instance you control from the get-go.

          • Ertebolle
            11 months ago

            Ah, didn’t realize that.

            So what happens if the instance it was originally created on goes offline, or defederates from the instance that you’re on - does it disappear, or does it carry on as if nothing happened? What about if all of the mods’ instances go offline?

            • @[email protected]
              211 months ago

              If an instance goes offline (based one what recently happened with beehaw defederating some instances), other instances will still keep copies of old posts and comments, and any new comments on the old posts stay just on whatever instance made them and don’t copy to others.

          • @someguy3
            211 months ago

            If you want to create a community, can you only create one in your instance?

            • @[email protected]
              1311 months ago

              Yes communities can only be created on the same instance as the user creating it. But, a user can have an account on more than one instance to create communities and then assign their main account on any instance as a mod.

        • @Grimpen
          1711 months ago

          It’s an idea I’ve seen floated, and personally would appreciate, but to the best of my knowledge, there is no Magazine or Community migration for kbin or Lemmy.

          Incidentally, I’m commenting from a Lemmy instance, to a kbin Magazine on kbin.social, and subscribing to RedditMigration on kbin.social was pretty seamless, at least as seamless as any other non-local Lemmy Community. OP is right in that spreading out is a decent idea. It’s not really necessary for everyone to be on the same instance.

          Another way to address the problem of corporate takeover and ensuing enshitification is form non-profits, co-ops, or other organizations to actually “own” the instance. My home Mastodon instance has started down this path already.

        • Niello
          11 months ago

          If this is implemented it’ll be good for the communities to be able to go where they want, but there’s a good chance it can become a source of drama if the net result is smaller communities choosing to migrate to larger instances.

          Also, the logistic behind large magazines spawning their own instances only make sense if there’s an option for users to subscribe to an entire instance. AFAIK that’s impossible right now (or I don’t know how to, if anyone know please tell me), so that is something to keep in mind.

      • VeeSilverball
        311 months ago

        I believe there is a healthy relationship between instances and magazines, actually: the way in which topical forums tend to be “hive-mindy” fits well with Fediverse instance culture. The difference is that instead of Reddit-scaling leading in the direction of “locking down” topical discussion to be a bureaucratic game of dancing around every rule, because all users are homogenous - just a name, a score, and a post history - you can have “this board is primarily about this” but then allow in a dose of chaos, affording some privilege to the instance users who already have a set of norms and values in mind and pushing federated comments out of view as needed, where you know the userbases are destined to get into unproductive fights.

        This also combats common influencer strategies applying bots and sockpuppeting, because you’ve already built in the premise of an elite space.

        There’s work needed on the moderation technology of #threadiverse software to achieve this kind of vision, but it’s something that will definitely be learned as we go along.

    • @[email protected]
      1311 months ago

      This is the most rationale response. A lot of people suffering from mental illness will bog themselves down in theory and never focus on the practically of what they’re saying. This is one of those examples. Just be glad people are using the platform and let it grow organically. If you’re convincing users “they’re doing it wrong”, they’re just going to give the finger and probably leave. What’s great about decentralization is we, as individuals, can choose how we use it. If you want a big server? Join one. If you want a small one? Join one. It really is that simple. Try to ignore people who tell you otherwise.

    • ryan
      811 months ago

      It’s right to say that instances are showing up slowly, but there is definitely a centralization occurring. According to fediverse.observer, kbin.social has 43k users, and the next most populated instance in the US only has 104 users.

      Ernest, developer of kbin and who runs kbin.social, has spoken about the difficulties in running kbin.social with the spike in users. If people are willing to sign up on smaller instances or migrate over, that could help distribute the load.

      Or, like me, learn about VPSs and domain names and Linux commands from zero knowledge to get their own instance stood up - but it took a bit and I’m still running into issues here, so I can’t necessarily recommend it for someone who has a life to attend to. :)

        • GargleblasterOP
          111 months ago

          Thanks for your honesty because some people here are receiving this post like they should move to a new country.

      • smokinjoe
        411 months ago

        Cool! I hadn’t really known how to find other kbins! I’ll scope them out and maybe try hopping on another one.

        I guess it’d have been nice if OP had provided a list of alternatives people could become aware of.

    • Kaldo
      511 months ago

      Well said. I’m also hoping we eventually get a tool to migrate accounts from one instance to another (or maybe link accounts from multiple sites so they show as combined data together). That way I don’t lose everything if the instance I go to just shuts down one day, who h did happen to Mastodon often in the beginning iirc.

  • ernest
    4211 months ago

    Hey, I think there’s a lot of truth in that. I don’t want to force anyone to stay here ;) I believe that kbin can be a stepping stone to a wider fediverse, which is great. However, I’m trying to keep the entry barrier as low as possible so that everyone can find their place here. The rest will come with time. Currently, we’re working with contributors to make setting up and maintaining your own instance less of a nightmare, and it should change for the better soon.

    https://kbin.social/m/[email protected]/p/485886/This-happened-quickly-Lemmy-is-now-the-second-biggest-platform-next#post-comment-855115

    ps. The queue of deleted accounts will be processed with the next update.

  • a1studmuffin 🇦🇺
    3811 months ago

    I’ve found it really beneficial joining an instance that’s hosted locally to my country and/or city. Not only can you take advantage of the “Local” filter to literally see local posts in your area, but you also get an amazing ping so everything feels super responsive.

    • 0110010001100010
      611 months ago

      How did you find one that local to you? I’d love to do this as well! I’ve been kicking around just hosting one myself but I leave for vacation in 5 days so that’s probably not a project for right now, lol.

      • a1studmuffin 🇦🇺
        211 months ago

        I randomly saw someone post from @aussie.zone and the name grabbed my attention. I was actually considering starting my own one for Australians but didn’t need to bother. Perfect timing!

        • glittalogik
          211 months ago

          aussie.zone was the first place I landed upon discovering the fediverse, but after hunting in vain for a dark/night-mode option I decided to keep exploring, and the interface/theming here is actually usable.

          I’ve since learned that client-side UI/CSS browser extensions for Lemmy are a thing so that’s always an option, and hopefully we’ll start seeing RES-style extensions in the future.

          • a1studmuffin 🇦🇺
            111 months ago

            Nice! I’ve been using Jerboa for Android pretty much exclusively, so the theming and style is all defined by the app. kbin.social and every other Lemmy instance looks identical to me, it’s been an easy transition from Reddit. It’ll be great once a few more apps arrive on the scene!

    • GargleblasterOP
      211 months ago

      And, to be extra super clear, you’re a member of an instance related to your location but posting here on kbin.social right now.

      Moving to a different instance does not disenfranchise anybody.

  • ArugulaZ
    2311 months ago

    Hey! Hey hey hey! No! I JUST moved away from Reddit! Now you’re telling me I need to move into an even smaller place than this? Can we space out our social media crises a bit? I’m still winded from the Dutch douchebag buying Twitter.

  • abff08f4813c
    2111 months ago

    I’ve been thinking about setting up a single-user instance of kbin for myself. Maybe this is the kick in the pants I need to finally get around to it.

    • @Iamgroot
      1211 months ago

      I have my own pixelfed server running

      • Elegast
        411 months ago

        Man my only issue with pixelfed is followed tags aren’t showing up on my feed. There a issue already submitted, so hopefully it’s resolved soon!

        • @Iamgroot
          111 months ago

          On your own server or someone else’s? There is an artisan command to fix this count

          • Elegast
            111 months ago

            On my home feed on Pixelfed.social. I would expect posts with followed tags to show up under my home feed unless that is not intended.

            • @Iamgroot
              111 months ago

              That is strange and I’m not sure what’s going on there. You could try asking on the pixelfed discord

      • WhiteOakBayou
        311 months ago

        How was that process? I’ve been going back and forth on it for a few weeks now.

        • @Iamgroot
          111 months ago

          I’m running it on my pi and it’s been okay for the most part

      • sharkato
        311 months ago

        Ugh, I’ve found it difficult to get it up and running. Need to throw more time at it but I thought the docker containers would “just run”.

        • buedi
          611 months ago

          That is also holding me back. I am hosting tons of stuff myself, all dockerized, but I was not able to get kbin up and running yet. I wish someone would manage the images, so we can just pull, edit a .env and run / upgrade it.

          For me the whole process always hangs at a step that seems to have something to do with the php setup. I tried on different servers, even created a fresh Ubuntu 22 LTS and still had the same problem. I am sure I am doing something wrong (probably editing something incorrectly in the settings), but the process it not as easy yet as it is for the other services I am hosting at the moment.

        • @Iamgroot
          211 months ago

          I’m running it using docker-compose

    • sentient_loom
      811 months ago

      What would be the benefit of a single user instance?
      I guess you’d really control your data.
      You could do a magazine as your own personal blog.
      And you could still post to any instance you want.

      • czech
        1211 months ago

        You won’t be defederated from other instances. On the flip side if instances start using whitelists instead of automatically federating it could become an issue.

        • sentient_loom
          311 months ago

          Good point. Defederation is one of my biggest concerns about the fediverse.

      • GargleblasterOP
        311 months ago

        I’m not necessarily recommending a single-user instance, just a smaller one. The people who do have single-user instances generally put out a lot of their own content.

        This guy has his own instance, 26k posts and 31k followers.

    • Machinist3359
      611 months ago

      Same, though I’m lazy enough that I was waiting for linuxserver.io to have a kbin image. I haven’t looked at the documentation yet, but if it’s straightforward enough…

  • Alex
    11 months ago

    The general consensus is that this was going to be a monetary offer to allow Instagram to further colonize the Fediverse by purchasing one of the larger servers.

    No, that’s completely wrong. You’re scaremongering. There was no such offer.

    There is no confirmation of any financial contracts, or moderation arrangements and Eugen Rochko/Gargron has stated he doesn’t know anything about any secret deals.[1]

    From @[email protected]:

    The nda wasn’t because of some absurd agreement but just the fact they’re launching a new project and we’re getting access to engineers and product team to discuss what the relationship could be. And they went well.[2]

    There was a call to talk about engineering, moderation, safety, support for user privacy controls and how federation would look like. (and more)

    There was no deal signing or any bullshit like that - that’s all fake news.

    The nda is because none of this stuff is released and it’s up to meta to share details or admins to join the ongoing calls to learn in advance of launch what is going on.[3]

    We don’t know, what we don’t know. So i initiated contact and meta obliged. Because the product isn’t released yet, there is an NDA.[4]

  • @[email protected]
    1011 months ago

    I agree. I have an account on kbin that is my primary account, but I also have one on lemmy and mastodon.

    • GargleblasterOP
      1411 months ago

      Right, and kbin is more than kbin.social. You could move to kbin.run or kbin.place among many others to spread the numbers out.

      • debounced
        111 months ago

        kbin should have something in place that if server/instance A meets XYZ requirements and has a curated set of federated magazines enabled that are common among “anchor” instances (or whatever you want to call them) that anyone trying to register should be sent off to a random instance that is underutilized. i believe mastodon has/had something like this early on.

        i haven’t been actively advertising kbin.run, but it has taken about a week since deployment (after some initial growing pains and the occasional glitches after pulling down new code changes) to get to about 52 registered users kbin.fediverse.observer.

        • GargleblasterOP
          111 months ago

          The discussion that prompted me to post this included someone talking about server caps.

    • sbb
      411 months ago

      An overburdened-with-users server could discontinue allowing new sign-ups on their sign-up page, but rather post a link to a list of where willing-to-accept-new-users servers are.

    • AnonTwo
      111 months ago

      It does list kbin.cafe. The list that loads is just really small. You need to press next and kbin.cafe is on page 2

  • @[email protected]
    711 months ago

    The funny part about this story is that, while everyone has their “price”, most of the people building these instances did so because they want nothing to do with these corporations.

    Now admittedly things can change, but these corporations also don’t seem to understand how these insurances work. Buying one instances, while shitty and something that hopefully won’t happen, isn’t the same as buying a company. You can’t “own” the Fediverse because of the nature of what it is.

  • @[email protected]
    711 months ago

    Honestly this is a pretty small community. The whole platform needs to mature a little before we start “spreading out”

  • jivemasta
    711 months ago

    People need to just chill out and touch some grass.

    Like how long have you been on the internet? If the whole federation thing can be bought out by a company and ruined, then it’s a failed experiment and we move on to the next thing. It’s a tale as old as the internet itself, cool grassroots thing gets popular, sells out, destroys itself, repeat every few years.

    For now, kbin and lemmy are working, but don’t think this will last forever or won’t get tested. Either the concept is good and it will stand the test of corporate takeover, or it won’t and we try something else.

    • GargleblasterOP
      11 months ago

      If the whole federation thing can be bought out by a company and ruined

      And that’s a strawman. It’s getting very reddity in here.

    • sentient_loom
      311 months ago

      No, we shouldn’t just passively observe the experiment either fail or succeed by its own pre-existing state. We should actively engineer our behavior and connections to avoid the slimey tentacles of corporate manipulation.

  • FaceDeer
    711 months ago

    When I joined kbin.social it was the only kbin instance. Or at least the only one that was actually online at the time.

    When there’s a way to migrate accounts I’ll definitely look into moving somewhere else, though, for the sake of load balancing if nothing else.

  • fraydabson
    611 months ago

    For those who are interested in a different Kbin instance I joined Kbin.cafe the other day. It’s very small right now and has some good hardware running it I believe. Not many magazines/communities but of course we can browse others from any instance.

    It runs smoothly too since low traffic. I love the fediverse!

  • Awwab
    611 months ago

    I may move on to a private or semi privately run instance in the future but I’m definitely a fan of kbin over Lemmy and the current state of self hosting kbin is a mess. When things have gotten better on that front I will look at moving on and expanding the fediverse.

    • abff08f4813c
      11 months ago

      Yeah, that’s one of the things kinda holding me back for now as well.

      Edit: I fnally gave it a shot. It turned out to be pretty easy. I just followed the admin guide on kbin’s codeberg at https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core/wiki#admin-guide and scrolled down to the “Install with Docker” section.

      Did this on an M1 Mac that already had Docker Desktop set up, so basically I skipped the first four subsections as not relevant and went straight down to the “Clone repo” subsection. (After cloning the repo, there is a section on getting docker-ce set up for Linux/GNU that I skipped).

      I simply did “docker compose build” and didn’t explicitly need to build fresh images. Then I ran “docker compose up” and the system was up.

      Going to https://kbin.localhost … told me that I forgot to build my npm or yarn assets. Whoops!

      Since I didn’t want to mess around with yarn on the host system (though that probably would have worked if I tried) I just found the kbin-php container id by checking the list from “docker ps” and then used “docker exec -it [kbin-php-container-id] /bin/sh” to log in with a shell. Then I ran “apk add yarn” followed by “yarn install” and “yarn build”

      After that everything worked.

      Somehow I missed seeing the configuration section, and so I created an admin user by registering a new user through the UI, and then running “docker exec -it [postgres-contanier-id] psql -U kbin kbin” to connect direcly to the database. Using psql I executed “update “user” set roles=”[‘ROLE_ADMIN’]“, is_verified=true where id = 1;” then logged out and logged back in get recognized as an admin.

      Finally I went ahead and created the random magazine through the UI.

      Something is still off. The UI works fine and anything locally is good, but I can not seem to subscribe to magazines on other instances or even search for them from my own kbin.local - they just comes up empty. Not sure why this is happening but I’ll update as soon as I learn more!

    • GargleblasterOP
      111 months ago

      This is kbin.social, not kbin. You can set up an account on kbin.cafe, kbin.place, and a lot of others and still be able to post and comment here.

  • FreeBooteR69
    511 months ago

    Nothing wrong with having accounts across instances. I use lemmy.ca as well as kbin, a few across mastodon, not a big deal with me to be honest.

    • @Grimpen
      311 months ago

      Heck, I’m reading and replying from Lemmy.ca, and subscribing to a kbin Magazine was relatively painless.

      I’ve been meaning to set up a kbin account so I can compare, but Lemmy has been good enough that I haven’t bothered yet.

      Either way, thanks to Federation, kbin & Lemmy aren’t really competing like Digg and Reddit back in the day.