Today, our government passed a law to force companies (Telekom, Vodafone etc.) to spy on users, even if they’re innocent and haven’t committed a single crime. We can’t let Germany act like the American NSA as well.

The web is built on encryption. Creating or hiding security flaws in services used by billions of people every day in the name of “stopping right-wing extremists” is not only absurd ― it takes away our right to communicate privately. “A backdoor that only lets the good guys in” just doesn’t work with software.

What you can do: many people didn’t have the opportunity to criticize this, because they don’t know yet. Inform others to help the state understand that they better clean this mess up. Oh, and the GroKo (that’s the CDU/CSU and SPD) are responsible for this. Consider voting for different parties in the future.

Copy & paste one of the following messages and share with your friends and family.

🇩🇪 Share information in German:

CDU und SPD haben ein Gesetz beschlossen, welches dem Staat erlaubt, unschuldige Nutzer, die noch nie eine Straftat begangen haben, auszuspionieren und z. B. WhatsApp Nachrichten mitzulesen. Es wurde am 10. Juni im Bundestag verabschiedet. Dafür wollen Deutsche Nachrichtendienste unteranderem Firmen wie die Telekom oder Vodafone zwingen, ihre Systeme unsicherer zu machen oder werden Sicherheitslücken in Betriebssystemen (z.B. iOS, Windows) und Apps verschweigen. Dies wird es wesentlich einfacher machen, Geräte zu hacken und verschlechtert die Sicherheit Deutscher IT-Infrastruktur. Zusätzlich sollen Internet Provider wie die Telekom gezwungen werden können, Downloads (insbesondere Software Updates) zu manipulieren um Staatstrojaner zu installieren, was das Vertrauen in digitale Medien weiter senken wird. Hier kannst du mehr erfahren: diese Nachricht mit anderen, damit der Bundestag versteht, dass die Mehrheit dieses Gesetz ablehnt.

🇬🇧 Share information in English:

The CDU and SPD have agreed on a law which allows the state to spy on innocent people (e.g. accessing WhatsApp messages), who have never committed a crime. It was passed in parliament on the 10th of June. To do this, German security agencies want to, among other things, force companies like Telekom or Vodafone to make their systems less secure or will hide security flaws in operating systems (e.g. iOS, Windows) and apps. This will make it significantly easier to hack devices and will negatively impact German IT infrastructure. Additionally, Internet Service Providers like Telekom can now be forced to manipulate downloads (e.g. software updates) to install spyware from the state, further eroding trust in digital technologies. You can learn more here: Share this message with others to make the Bundestag understand that the majority rejects this law.

Learn about what needs to happen to stop this (German).

(Yes, even Google & Facebook signed this statement: companies that stalk you on the web without any regard for privacy. Everyone, it seems, except the people that decided on this, agree that this is a bad idea.)

And, fun fact: the GroKo is pointing to the attacks in Halle and Hanau as justification that we need this law. They fail to mention that the current law already permitted the relevant agencies to intervene; the law is not to blame. The German Constitutional Court will likely declare the law discussed above as unconstitutional (illegal), but bureaucracy is slow and a lot of damage will have been done until then.

Why this will only harm security in Germany:

Every time a state declares that they’re going to increase surveillance, criminals and terrorists simply change the technology they use (can’t blame them) and it’s “normal people” that are punished. Plus, this law is implicitly telling security agencies “If you find a security flaw or exploit, don’t tell anyone about it, so you can use it to spy”. This means that our devices will be less secure, because the very agencies that are supposed to protect us will be helping criminals by hiding security flaws from software vendors like Apple or Microsoft instead of reporting them.

Detailed information in German can be found here.

Detailed information in English can be found here.

Edit: This was another source I used to write this post (also in German).

Second Edit: Added that ISPs can be forced to manipulate downloads (specifically software updates). See source above for details (end of page two).

Third edit: Added “detailed information” on English.

Fourth Edit: Updated messages to reflect that the law was passed yesterday.

Fifth Edit: Updated messages with concrete date of the passing of the law.

Post from :

    3 years ago

    Very good to spread this! Thanks for sharing.

    (A pity that the people involved use a domain name that - without warning - redirects to a Reddit page and that the redirect add-on for redirecting to Teddit or Libreddit fails for this for some reason. Not very privacy friendly!)