Now is a good time to think about a small way you can help, even it it’s just making an effort to pick up some rubbish on a walk. For me, it’s winter and I start to feel a bit down from the lack of sunlight hours so i like to give myself a very small and achievable goal that can give me a little boost of serotonin. Between winter bugs, storms, and work things, I haven’t been getting outside enough. I want to make an effort to go walk the local reserves at least once next month and pick up rubbish. It’s small but it leaves me room to do even more if I’m feeling up to it without feeling guilty if I only have one good day of energy.

What small things are you wanting to do?

    1 year ago

    Went this morning and picked up a lot of things, including beef raised about 30 miles from here and some various greens. Thanks for the inspiration!