He pretty clearly does.
You make a compelling argument
Tlaib is supporting the goals of putin/trump here by lying about Biden. It’s disgusting.
You make a compelling argument
Raz Segal, associate professor of Holocaust and genocide studies, is clear: the world is witnessing a genocide and is standing by.
Joe biden has claimed this more or less himself, saying he’s a Zionist at heart, though his actions have started to be a little bit more moderate on the issue of Palestinian genocide.
Pushing the russian narrative. Not a good look.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
He pretty clearly doesn’t
Israel: Hi, we’re bombing hospitals, schools, ambulances, refugee camps, and areas we forced innocent people into. Help pay for it?
Biden: Oh hell yes.
“Yeah go ahead” is still supporting genocide.
Complete mischaracterization of the truth. Hey! Finally something conservatives and Lemmy users can bond over!
What exactly was wrong with that post? Is the US not providing military aid to Israel? Did ambulances and refugee camps not get bombed?
The “oh hell yes” part. Biden has been calling for Israel to ease up and clearly isn’t supportive of their barbaric tactics, but can’t just cut all funding due to the fact that we have long supported Israel and they’re a key ally of ours in the region.
That apparently is a little too nuanced for folks here though.
but can’t just cut all funding due to the fact that we have long supported Israel and they’re a key ally of ours in the region.
He can tell them to cut it out. Reagan did it.
“Please stop because support is eroding” and “Stop or I won’t support you” are completely different statements with different meanings and implications.
If a kid is shooting up a school, and I keep providing him ammunition as he’s doing it, am I just an innocent bystander? The US has the power to put conditions on the aid given. They do it for Ukraine.
I’m not going to draw you a diagram of this complex situation. If you can’t be bothered to acknowledge its nuances and see that Biden’s position is definitively not a “oh hell yes” to Israel’s war crimes, no amount of explaining will change your mind.
What has Biden done to stop Israel? Yes, he’s said he wants a ceasefire, but the US vetoing the UN resolution for a ceasefire, sending warships to the area to prevent anyone else from attacking Israel, sending Israel military aid, and continuing to insist Israel “has a right to defend itself” when the death toll is close to 10:1 Palestinians to Israelis all go in the “hell yes” column. I’m genuinely curious what actions you believe go in the “no” column. What has the US done to stop Israel?
Edit: downvoted with no reply. Thanks. That’s exactly the answer I expected.
Israel receives billions of dollars every year from the US. Biden decided – while Israel is actively committing genocide at a hastened pace – that this isn’t enough and actually Israel deserves far more billions of dollars at this particular moment in time. If that’s not supporting genocide, then what is?
She’s gone over the top many times before, including when she ridiculed Hillary Clinton before the 2016 election. It’s understandable she’d be upset with what’s going on. But she needs to act like a leader, and this really isn’t it.
Where you been boo?! You think that the only Palestinian in congress, speaking for the plight of the people in Gaza (regardless of your opinion) shows a lack of leadership? It sounds like you want her to be more of a follower? Please tell me, what should she say? Because obviously she has to say something?
There’s TinyPizza again. Like the neighborhood stalker.
I mean, we show up in the same places, but it’s incidental. Does your neighborhood have stalkers where you’re at? Like is that a thing? We talking voyeurs?
The conditioned projection is hard for them to suppress.
You think @Rapidcreek might stalk his neighborhood? I dunno, he seems nice. I suppose you never know whose stalking about though…
I mean she’s not wrong. Bidens current stance of “support and ask questions later” is very much tantamount to supporting genocide. In the current situation the least you’d expect of the American president is to leave Israel to fend for itself, not send them aircraft carriers and military aid. For comparison in the 1980s Reagan (yes, Reagan) called the Israeli PM and basically ordered him to stop the bombing of West Beirut immediately. The bombing stopped in 20 minutes.
president is to leave Israel to fend for itself, not send them aircraft carriers and military aid.
Sure, Biden is wrong to stop a regional war. You want KIA numbers? That’s certainly the way to get them.
Well if they don’t want KIA numbers they should stop genociding Palestinians. He offers way too much while demanding way too little.
So your suggestion is more dead. Doesn’t make much sense.
No, he should demand (not ask nicely) that Israel stop their genocide in Gaza. The aid can come after that.
Trying to stop a regional war does not fit a time schedule.
Ah right, because acting like a leader means falling in line.
Acting like a leader means to consider how your language might move others perhaps in ways you don’t want them to move.
How does her language not do that? Is it not polite enough? If a genocide occurs, which the UN is constantly warning about, then does the US and Biden, who have offered their full support, not hold any culpability in that? Perhaps I’m misunderstanding?
isn’t that what is happening? I think you just want her to have different views
When You chant “From the River to the Sea” you are chanting the Terrorist’s motto calling for Jewish genocide. If that is truly what she thinks she is doing a disservice to those she represents and the country.
She’s gone over the top many times before, including when she ridiculed Hillary Clinton before the 2016 election.
Or “why centrists are really mad at her.”
Removed by mod
^This comment is a violation of community rules: Referring to all Palestinians as “terrorists” is bigoted and racist. I ask the moderators to please consider banning this user on a more permanent basis, as this sort of rhetoric is the only thing they ever contribute.
That this is allowed repetitively is rather telling.
When did they refer to all Palestinians as terrorist?
Tlaib supports a Palestinian one state model with the total elimination of the State of Israel.
Terrorist supporter is butthurt that her side is losing
What other “terrorists” do you think they are referring to in this context?
Hamas. The terrorist group.
spyd3r from the community Washington, [email protected]
reason: account appears to be primarily used to bait/troll
spyd3r from the community World News
reason: islamophobic, hate, trollSure, just an innocent misunderstanding.
Removed Comment Having a bus only lane is a gigantic waste of space and resources, they should start fining the city planners that come up with these dumb ideas instead. by
reason: account appears to be primarily used to bait/troll
Removed Comment "fired in self-defense after they were attacked with rocks by dozens of rioting Hamas supporters.” is the real headline, but the AP goes with some guys uncle who literally admitted he didn’t even witness the confrontation. by
reason: Rule 1
Removed Comment Should show the whole video where these whackos are attacking his car trying to rip him out of his vehicle while blocking him in. Also, where the hell are the police??? by
reason: promoting vehicular homicide
Removed Comment https://v.redd.it/ruhr87bonpub1 Oh no particular reason, other than the huge mob of residents from a nearby suburb chanting “From the river to the sea”. Just a few casual calls for genocide though, no big deal. by
reason: TrollingNothing to see here, just a bunch of evidence of a shitty bigot troll.
I was wondering where all those comments went thanks for undeleteing them all for me, seems there’s some overzealous moderators that are more interested in enforcing ideological purity than fostering open discussion.
“Promoting vehicular homicide”, for pointing out they edited the video to remove the parts that showed it was self defense and not an attack, that’s rich. My here mistake was not posting the full unedited video to properly illustrate their hypocrisy
“Trolling” for providing video evidence of anti-semitic hate speech and calls for genocide. another good one, really says something about the person who removed that comment.
“Rule 1” for pointing out a headline was sourced from some guy who admitted (in the same article) he didn’t even witness the events he’s being quoted on. Quality
“Trolling/baiting” for making a joke about stupid bus lanes. LiTeRaLly ThEy WoRsT PeRsOn In ThE WoRlD!!
Yup, there it all is! No problem!
They didn’t, this is just an extremist having a freakout about every god damn thing and trying to completely control everyone’s language like a fascist
When someone demands an end to murdering Palestinians and you call them a terrorist supporter, you are calling all Palestinians terrorists. Stop being a coward and admit it.
I mean a one-state solution is very much a viable solution to the conflict. It’s just that Israel wants their Jewish majority.
There is no viable one state solution unless it is an internationally controlled secular state, which neither party would want.
that’s not supporting terrorism
Bad news bro, in several countries, including this one, Hamas has been legally declared a terrorist organization.
So far, she has refused to specifically condemn Hamas for its slaughter of Israelis on October 7, has fundraising ties to at least three Hamas-linked activists, including one who served prison time for his connection to the terror group, and has publicly defended those chanting calls for genocide of the Jewish people.
Then why not say Hamas? This isn’t an article about the Hamas genocide, it’s about the Palestinian one. Context is key here and you say racist shit all the time. It’s not a whoopsie when there’s a pattern for a person who has specifically been banned in the modlog less than three days ago as:
Banned spyd3r from the community Washington, [email protected]
reason: account appears to be primarily used to bait/trollYou’re a racist troll, we all get it, just own it you coward. Or are you gonna tuck and run now that it’s all out in the open to discuss?
Nah, we haven’t even broke the seal on those two carrier strike groups yet. Maybe we’ll get lucky and Iran will do something dumb and necessitate a demonstration of what a CSG is capable of.
“Imma firin’ mah lazers” vibes.