For example:

It is a thing that works producing stuff.

This feels wrong to me, but I can’t quite put my finger on what exactly is wrong about it. It seems like it’s trying to be a participle phrase, but it’s not necessarily modifying the current state of “it”, and is, instead, describing what “it” is.

If it is, indeed, a participle phrase, then it should be able to be written as

Producing stuff, it is a thing that works.

But, to me, this doesn’t seem correct either, so it leads me to believe that the very structure of the sentence is incorrect.

    11 months ago


    If I’m honest; Neither of those sentences make any sense to me as a native English speaker (reader, in this case).

    What idea are you trying to communicate? That there is a thing, and it works (Is functiobal? Is operating presenly?), and it produces stuff?