So, this looks like the start of a relatively new community (at least for me), and we surely have some new people coming over from the coffee subreddit, so let’s get some conversation going!
What’s your current favorite brew method? I’ve been really getting into my flat bottom brew lately, with the Stagg XF. I just feel it’s been a bit more forgiving than my v60, and it’s been pulling out some pretty solid tasting notes in my latest beans.
What’re y’all brewing with?
EDIT: I absolutely love the traction this post got! And I love seeing all the methods everyone is using daily. Thank you all
Nothing too fancy. Kettle and a french press.
This is the way
That’s what I have done for decades.
Bialetti Moka pot. I switched from espresso to the moka pot over a year ago and it is my favorite brew now.
I’ve been loving light roasts for a while now so I haven’t been going near my Moka, but I suppose I should explore what it can do with lighter roasts?
I like to think I know a little about coffee, but this thread shows that I don’t really know anything. My brew method? I have a shitty little $50 espresso maker I got as a birthday gift a while ago, and use that to make the best damn lattes I’ve ever had.
use that to make the best damn lattes I’ve ever had.
Hey man, that’s all that matters
Great idea! I use a La Pavoni Europiccola (lever espresso machine) when I have time, Bialetti Moka pot or pour over when I don’t.
I’ve wanted a Europiccola for so long but I’ve currently had a Cafelat Robot for the last year and a half. Did you get a new one or vintage?
Majority pourover (Mugen most often, V60 sometimes, and I just got an Orea that I’ve used a couple of times so far), espresso if I’m feeling up to it (Uniterra Nomad), usually as a small milk drink or sometimes an aerocano, occasionally straight espresso. If I want a milk drink and don’t feel like actually dealing with espresso workflow, aramse sofi south indian filter.
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French Press was my entry into truly good coffee, and it’s still one that I love to go back to.
French press. Pre-heat with boiling water before adding freshly ground coffee. Slowly pour water at 95 degrees over the coffee. Stir with wooden spoon, insert lid and let stand 5-10 minutes. Slowly press plunger to bottom. Serve and enjoy.
I’m no coffee snob. Gas station dark roast, little cream no sugar. Under a dollar in a hurry.
Hey man, sometimes you just need that bittrr punch of caffeine. Ain’t nothing wrong with that.
I roast my own, and I still buy regular old coffee from wherever sells it. No reason not to!
Every morning is a pour over. V60 or chemex depending on how many cups I’m making.
V60 is definitely my favorite, but as I continue to collect more gear, I almost feel guilty if I dont go back and use some for a little bit. So I’ll go on binges with my French press, the Stagg, chemex, aeropress, aeropress with prismo.
And if either James Hoffman or Lance Hedrick drop a new video highlighting a piece I already have, you better believe I am gonna go back and try what they are suggesting.
Same. I have a gaggia classic I use for afternoon espresso a few times a week, but the French press, aeropress, moka pot all sit there silently judging me for their neglect.
Right now it’s aeropress and it will remain aeropress until I make a shit cup or have a bad morning, then it’ll switch to v60 and repeat the same process until I switch to chemex. Then, eventually we will come full circle back to aeropress and start everything all over again. The circle of life. The ouroboros of my morning coffee, if you will.
My second cup of the day is and will always be an espresso.
My go to is my trusty v60. I used to scale and weigh everything before grinding. Now I just eyeball everything.
Cold or hot, V60 is my jam.
I love my Flair Pro. I like being able to dial in my pressure profile (basically extraction flow) by hand depending on the beans or just my mood. Other wise I’m a stainless moka pot guy.
Is it easy to control the water temperature? As I heard, Flair Pro must be pre-heated to prevent temperature drops.
Yes, but it isn’t a huge deal. I just have a small pot I put the brew head in while the water heats up to a boil. When the water hits a full boil, I turn off the stove, place the brew head and mug, and then pull the shot, the little bit of time the brew head and water are removed from the heat and poured gets it close enough for me to the right temp.
EDIT: Everyone that is thinking about flair, make sure to get one with a pressure gauge. It would be impossible to know if you are using the right pressure be feel on something you have never used before.
Totally agree. My wife talked me into the pressure gauge and I have no idea how anyone can pull a great shot without it. And most of the fun is experimenting with different pressure profiles. And it’s pretty easy to preheat as @neanderthal said. I put my brew head on top of my open kettle so the steam heats it while the water starts to boil. The brew head itself is very thick and retains heat well. I saw a video that shows you do get a drop in temp over a pull which is usually 30-60 seconds for me. But also I’m at high altitude so while I have a different set of temperature issues to deal with I don’t know that I’m experiencing as dramatic a drop off.
Aeropress daily. Using James Hoffman’s method, more or less. Occasionally I need to get the French press out.
I’ve been toying with the idea of getting an espresso machine. However, everyone I know who has one has gone back - sooner or later - to their previous method of brewing. And the espresso machine ends up being for special occasions. I’m not sure it’s worth it at that point.
I might get a prismo for the aeropress to see if that will satisfy my “What’s next?” craving…
I was real nervous about the step from Aeropress to espresso, but I knew that I liked good espresso from cafes nearby so I eventually took the plunge.
I got a basic Breville grinder/espresso machine, which makes decent coffee, not great, but good enough, but I really prefer espresso to other coffee drinks, and my wife loves it when I make her a latte, so overall it’s been a huge upgrade.
If you prefer espresso or latte style coffees, or you just enjoy trying new sorts of coffee things and tinkering with grind size, then an espresso machine will be great, otherwise you are wise to stick with the style of brewing you know you enjoy.
I’ve got a stupidly expensive espresso machine and several stupidly expansive grinders. I used my machine every day for about 5 years. But lately I’ve been pouring water from my kettle into a plastic cone like my dad did in the 80s. Haha. Full circle. I’ve upped my bean quality though.
Hey, pour over is just a good old classic. You can’t really repeat the ritual or flavors you get with it anywhere else. And sometimes the most simple is the most enjoyable.