Lying flatism is a trending philosophy that has emerged in China and is practiced by young adults who choose to live a minimalist lifestyle and reject the pressures of society. Lying flatists refuse to participate in consumerist lifestyles, such as pursuing high-paying jobs, purchasing material possessions, getting married, or having children. They believe that personal efforts are no longer effective in improving their lives due to structural and societal factors.

    1 year ago

    I love this, thanks for sharing. Sometimes I do think friendship might be a better investment of time and effort. It doesn’t seem like romantic relationships tend to last. Plus, with romantic relationships, the big drawback is having a second family (in-laws), and they’re often not very welcoming anyway. Gabor Mate talks a lot about how our system is really not supportive of mothers or of having kids in general. As a woman I often thought if I had children it looked like I might end up being a single mother because it seemed as though men either leave the relationship or they make very bad fathers… not a lot of good options. It seems easier to give it up altogether and just worry about yourself, which is enough, honestly. Just keeping up with chores, taking care of yourself and a career is already a lot. 😮‍💨 There’s barely any time and energy left to maintain relationships. As Gabor says, the system we live in doesn’t care how you feel. I very much felt that way throughout my life. It feels more like everyone is just trying to get their hands in my pockets… It’s like your parents don’t care about you, your employer doesn’t care about you, and not even the system you live in. Nice life!