I was thinking of getting a thinkpad x200 with libreboot from retrofreedom.com since even with the tutorials I had no idea how to do so myself,but I have a question.How would you update it?Is it as hard as installing libreboot and how would I update it?How frequently is it updated?

  • Werwolf
    53 years ago

    Yes, the hard part is flashing it the first time. Updates can be done without disassembling your laptop. It’s just like a software update and then reboot it. Done.

    I’m using a t400 and it’s definitely worth it

    • TuxOP
      23 years ago

      thankyou so much this was my only worry

    • TuxOP
      23 years ago

      Yes the reason why they are out of stock is because they were waiting for the next release of libreboot which has recently been released so this month it should be restocked