Granted. Everybody is now worse than your current skill. There’s still that guy that brings his guitar to parties, he just sucks way more. Rock music pivots away from guitars and towards vuvuzelas. Dive bars permanently sound like a soccer match.
Granted. You now could be the best guitar player in the world. However, you must practice day and night to the exclusion of all other things in order to realize that potential.
Granted, but it’s only Guitar Hero, and it’s everyone’s least favourite song in the game.
Granted! The governments of the world combine into one solid dictatorship that controls all media. All current known guitarists are executed for their free thinking, and the government trains you to be ‘their’ musician and ‘their’ guitarist
Granted. You literally can’t stop playing the guitar.
Granted. You are now Jimmy Hendrix … who died in 1970.
Granted, but you can only play Wonderwall
Granted, you can pluck out Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star on your guitar now. Everyone else in the world no longer has any interest in music. No instruments are played, and you are considered an anomaly to be shunned.