Ask Lemmy is currently in search of a person that can put together a simple, cute, and fun icon and masthead for this community. Drop a reply here with your ideas so we can jazz up this space a bit!
Peace, love, and fedi!
this is a very quick and rough idea that ill probably be embarrassed about when i wake up (its midnight and im tired) but here is a little question mark guy
History in the making
Hahaha, too late, its already the mascot.
lol thanks for all the support guys!
Give him ears and it’s perfect
Don’t change it this is the one
Winner right here, no need to look further
Full support for question mark guy/gal/person
Don’t change it
As a mod, I can assure you all, if I have even a little bit of say into it this will be our logo forever.
ah yes, this is the one.
this is so cute, the spirit on lemmy feels so free and inspired
In this thread from some days ago are some great suggestions, worth a look at:
Lemmings of Ask Lemmy, what should our official logo and masthead be?
The question mark is great. Personally lI like the suggestions that stick closer to the official Lemmy logo. Maybe with some more colour?
Whoops I missed the window by a few days haha, here’s a colored version of the question bubble one anyway!
try giving it the lemming ears (might look shit though)
or 3 whiskers left and right of the ?
And the . below the questionmark is too wide, compared to the width of the line. I think they should be the same (and maybe also the same width as the border?)> Lemmings of Ask Lemmy, what should our official logo and masthead be?
Maybe the Lemming’s nose from the logo could double as the dot from the question mark? Might be too much and unreadable in small scales
pretty ugly lol
merging this with the previous question mark
Lots of great ideas I see posted in this thread. How can I put together a poll so we can put it to a vote?
or perhaps