Just wondering how people here get around day-to-day.
I personally try to use a bike as much as possible, but end up driving because of the structure of US suburbia and being the friend with a car™.
Just wondering how people here get around day-to-day.
I personally try to use a bike as much as possible, but end up driving because of the structure of US suburbia and being the friend with a car™.
@omenmis Romanian here: I take public transit haha.
I live in Bucharest where there’s a really extensive tram network. Basically on the majority of boulevards having at least 2 lanes there’s a tram line (with some notable exceptions ofc). In recent years, they’ve been separated by fences from the car traffic as the drivers use to go on the tracks, especially when waiting at the traffic light, which make it a pain for the trams as they cannot go around.
Besides that, there’s a plethora of bus lines going everywhere in the city and the current mayor promised that he will install some bike parkings around the sector (yes, Bucharest is split in 6 sectors - kinda like the arrondissements in Paris and other French cities - each with it’s own mayor), so I’m looking forward to see if anyone gets built nearby (I heard that these places get reserved at light speed). Bucharest is really lacking in bike infrastructure and car is seen as a status symbol, even in such a place.