Bionic Reading is a new way of reading text that uses a patented algorithm to highlight the most important parts of words, making it easier and faster to read. The method was developed by a German software developer named Renato Cukar, who was inspired by the way the human eye reads text.

Bionic Reading works by highlighting the most important parts of words, which helps the eye to follow the text more smoothly and efficiently. This makes it easier to read longer passages of text, and can also help to improve comprehension.

Bionic Reading is available as a free Chrome extension, as well as a mobile app for iOS and Android. It can also be used on websites and in PDFs.


#technology #bionicreading #reading

    1 year ago

    I found it a bit too distracting when I tried it, but the real dealbreaker was not being able to use it on ereaders.

    People interested in this sort of thing should also check out Atkinson Hyperlegible, a free front by the Braille institute. While its main purpose is accessibility, I find that the very recognizable letter shapes help a bit with reading speed and comfort.