I’m always on the lookout for a good game to play with my wife who prefers casual board games. We’ve played and enjoyed ticket to ride NY, patchwork, little birdie, and scabble

Any other recommendations?

  • lxpw
    2 years ago

    Based on your list, would suggest Calico or Azul: Summer Pavilion. I prefer the Summer Pavilion edition over the original edition of Azul.

    You may also like Codenames: Duet, but it is not a talkative game.

    If you don’t mind abstract I would suggest YINSH or any of the other project GIPF games.

    Local specialty board game shops should have those. If not, the best place in Canada to find board games is https://www.boardgamebliss.com/. They just run out of stock, a lot.