The Gulf Stream plays a significant role in maintaining the climate of the US East Coast and Western Europe. “We conclude with a high degree of confidence that Gulf Stream transport has indeed slowed by about 4% in the past 40 years.” The full study is Here

  • phoenixz
    9 months ago

    Not reading this, I don’t care anymore

    Earth is fucked for humans by humans

    The CO2 levels as they are will take centuries to Millenia to return to normal in a natural way (that is if we’re not in a runaway effect already) and even if we work hard to pull out CO2 it will take fucking decades to centuries of us soendong 30-50% of the world’s energy budget to scrubbing CO2, and THAT is assuming we stop ALL CO2 output from (at least) energy generation. There are no free lunches here, there is no way to do this faster.

    Meanwhile in the real world, were increasing CO2 output on a daily basis, still. We just promised we would lower the increase a little because stock owners need income too!

    Within 10-20 years people will be dying by the millions over this, food production will be hampered and the next generations will be fucked because current day politicians didn’t give a shit

    So o won’t give a shit anymore either.

      9 months ago

      Exactly how I feel too. Do what I can but everything is over already. I know I tried… A little.