• the_lone_wolf@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Do you know electronic, and how to use digital analyzer to capture digital signals?, i don’t know what interface current gen TV screen panel uses but in laptops they use LVDS or eDP and in smartphones and tablets they use mipi dsi. You have to reverse engineer the interface to know what each pins does and then buy or make a custom board to control the display panel and don’t forget you also have to write firmware and if you are making a custom board you have to use a FPGA to convert digital signal from HDMI to what that panel support and also you have to program that FPGA, for that you have to learn digital electronic and verilog/VHDL language. It’s a quite a lot of work and direct resource(like this project) on internet are low, but it still will be a fun project

    • Kowowow
      1 year ago

      I was just going to try and put it together like lego and hope for the best, like buy a cheap 4k monitor and buy the repair parts for just a screen of the same resolution and see what happens if I plug them together