Why has the media gone all in on small time scofflaws when organized financial crime is robbing people straight from their paychecks?

  • lobut
    2 years ago

    I can’t read this article using Connect for some reason. I had to copy and past the URL into my web browser.

    He enumerates many ways in which employers pull their own coordinated smash-and-grab jobs on their employees’ paychecks: “They may pay workers less than the legal minimum wage, fail to pay overtime, deny workers legal meal breaks or rest periods, divert workers’ tips, or require them to work off-the-clock to prepare for their shifts or to perform duties after their shifts have ended.”

    And those are some decidedly old-school techniques. The “one neat trick” to screwing workers in today’s gig economy is simply to misclassify them as independent contractors

    Yeah, this makes me sad. I also hate how others are like, “you don’t have to work for them! as if it makes it okay”