It never was, ignoring how it enshrined slavery, the system it built relied on people acting in good faith. The idea that elected officials would always work to preserve democracy.
Now it’s evident that is not an appropriate system for checks and balances.
It has good parts and had a lot of bad parts. It was written centuries ago, so let’s take that framing into consideration. It was a worthwhile endeavor to pursue the good parts while amending the bad, directly or via modern courts. Unfortunately it’s been a backsliding battle against conservatives who selectively interpret it as “originalists”, like they selectively interpret their bible to enhance their power and pocketbook and ignore the parts that are inconvenient or get between them and money, and obstinately refuse change or would actively change it for the worse.
The most ironic part is that the countries that the US fought with in WW2 that had some absolutely awful leadership and governance were outfitted with relatively excellent frameworks to govern with postwar, Germany and Japan, while the US has been crippled with resting on its laurels and mulish refusal to take the lessons learned those endeavors to heart.
Let’s see how committed they are to “Free Speech”. Bets on how long until Florida or D.C. bans these ads? (They’ll call it “foreign interference”).
The only foreign interference they can accept is israel’s
You forgot Russia.
The First Amendment is gone.
Trump is openly retaliating against people who criticized him. Our constitution isn’t worth the crumbling paper it’s written on any more.
It never was, ignoring how it enshrined slavery, the system it built relied on people acting in good faith. The idea that elected officials would always work to preserve democracy.
Now it’s evident that is not an appropriate system for checks and balances.
It has good parts and had a lot of bad parts. It was written centuries ago, so let’s take that framing into consideration. It was a worthwhile endeavor to pursue the good parts while amending the bad, directly or via modern courts. Unfortunately it’s been a backsliding battle against conservatives who selectively interpret it as “originalists”, like they selectively interpret their bible to enhance their power and pocketbook and ignore the parts that are inconvenient or get between them and money, and obstinately refuse change or would actively change it for the worse.
The most ironic part is that the countries that the US fought with in WW2 that had some absolutely awful leadership and governance were outfitted with relatively excellent frameworks to govern with postwar, Germany and Japan, while the US has been crippled with resting on its laurels and mulish refusal to take the lessons learned those endeavors to heart.
Honestly it kind of is. Though in this case I’m all for it.
The precedent has been set. We are playing their game and these are their rules.