Why is it important for you to masturbate to media of personal contacts?
Why does your partner feel this way over you masturbating to personal contacts? What exactly does she feel?
0.02$: When you ask yourself and your partner those questions, you might find out what the actual emotional basis of this conflict is.
Masturbating to pictures of people you know is a big No-No. It happens without their consent (they probably don’t want this) and it’s not very healthy for yourself. If I’d do it, I’d struggle looking them in the eyes after that. I’d just stop and find some other fantasy.
Edit: And concerning your question with the celebrities… At least they get something out of it. It might happen without consent as well, but they get a lot of money for that, which your friends don’t.
Yes, you’re the asshole.
Stop jerkin off to people you know by creeping on their social media, it’s mentally unhealthy, it shows your lack of empathy in your relationship, it shows a lack of self control, it shows a lack of respect for the people you creep on, and it’s unethical to do it without those people’s permission.
Counterpoint: there’s actually enough people that are completely fine with this, can just see the other comments. Your viewpoint is actually completely valid, but that’s just it, it’s your viewpoint. You consider it behavior of an asshole, but others don’t. Sometimes it’s just necessary to find the people that agree with you instead of changing your true self to please other people, that don’t agree with you.
I’m coming from a situation where I currently have sexual relationships with 3 women, and everyone knows everything and feels good about the situation. There’s actually remarkable flexibility what people think is “asshole behavior”.
Counter question: is it unethical to jerk off to celebrities because it’s unethical to do it without those people’s permission?
Jerk off to who YOU want.
That’s yours.
No one else’s.
End of story.
It’s like telling someone what foods they are allowed to crave. NOYFB!
Everyone has desire for other people, even in monogamous relationships. If masturbating on pictures is your way to stay with her and not cheat on her, that’s perfectly fine. But it might just mean, since she can’t deal with it, that you’re not meant to be together.
You might look into poly or open relationships, or simply into people who understand that monogamy doesn’t mean no attraction to other people.
Tell her you’ll only ever jerk to pics and thoughts of her.
And never share your imaginary friends again.A) Yeah bad idea to tell her it’s people you know. You can see why someone might freak out and feel uncomfortable/paranoid about that. It’s not someone random you’d never meet, like a celeb or pornstar -it’s people you know in real life.
B) Her age checks out. Young people tend to be more insecure. However I still think point A stands
Some people can only understand when it happens to them. So maybe if you flipped it. She tells you she’s getting off on pictures of a guy she knows. Maybe she used to work with him or still does. How would you feel?
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…are these pictures meant to be arousing? If not then…
Ew. Why the fuck do you jerk off to pictures of normal people? That’s creepy as fuck. I’m saying this as a furf*g and monster fucker who’s probably gotten off to shit that’d give you nightmares. What the fuck is wrong with you? Don’t do that. That’s gross, disgusting behavior and I feel violated now that you’ve put the possibility of someone having jerked off to me without my consent in my head. God, that’s gross.
If those pictures weren’t mean to be wank material then she should leave you OP; not because of you “”“cheating”“” because you look at porn, but because you’re being a fucking creep and jerking off to people without their consent. You need help.
However, if the images were meant to be arousing, then yeah, I’ll be honest, she’s kinda overreacting. Only kinda though. It’s still weird that you’re jerking off to people that you know and I can understand some level of jealousy simply because they’re people you know; but I wouldn’t consider that cheating either. Then again, I tend to be more open with people.
Your good dude. If you were watching porn She’d be mad about your jerking off to girls she doesn’t look like. You can always leave that girl and try your luck with the girls you’re jerkin it to if you wanted to. It doesn’t make you an asshole it just makes you horny. Maybe if she was greasing your pole more often, you wouldn’t need the external stimuli.