Farmer relies on government grants and immigrant workers.
Farmer votes for candidate who vows to block government grants and immigrant workers.
Farmer is surprised when government grants and immigrant workers are blocked.
Farmer relies on government grants and immigrant workers.
Farmer votes for candidate who vows to block government grants and immigrant workers.
Farmer is surprised when government grants and immigrant workers are blocked.
Keep bleeding, then.
“The sour taste in your mouth is blood. Because of the festering sores in your mouth. Which you contracted by suckling the micropeen of a cheating, raping misogynist who ran on a promise of ruining your life. But hey, at least your grandkids disowned you and your social security is about to not exist.”
And the EU starts putting tariffs on farm products from the USA, so that bleeding could increase.
They did this to us. The farmers. We know who they voted for, as a group. Fuck 'em. Let them reap what they sow.
Can’t. They don’t have enough illegal workers to exploit.
It’s a religion to these people. It doesn’t matter what the policies are or what the impacts are. They need to be part of that local in-group.
Waiting for them to all bleed out.
If it bleeds…