Centrist pundits take issue with Bernie Sanders’s frequent claim that 60% of Americans are living “paycheck to paycheck.” His critics’ attempts to debunk this statistic aren’t convincing.
Conservatives don’t care what’s true, they govern off vibes.
Well, here is a perfect vibe check: y’all feel like most people you know are financially all set? Not worried about work or a sudden medical expense? How’s it feeling out there?
Does it feel like Trump and his billionaire boys club are helping you?
Conservatives don’t care what’s true, they govern off vibes.
Well, here is a perfect vibe check: y’all feel like most people you know are financially all set? Not worried about work or a sudden medical expense? How’s it feeling out there?
Does it feel like Trump and his billionaire boys club are helping you?
“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”
Thoughts and prayers. Thank god it ain’t my problem.