He expressed that a shutdown will favor Trump and Musk, so sounds reasonable?

  • humanspiral
    2 days ago


    good link thank you. Main takeaway was low information/politically disengaged people who voted.

    Feminist/Queer supremacism/activism

    Trump fanatics I know are obsessed on this issue. Young men understandably affected. Immigrants/blacks tending to be more religious than average could also have been affected. Tolerance and inclusion as a centrist liberal value, that democracts correctly support, gets them tainted by also having the supremacist vote. Low information/disengaged are especially prone to the disinformation of “supremacists vote left”. Also, the disinformation that a mexican was accused of rape, or a haitian accused of eating a neighbours cat works in racist smearing of entire groups, and a city/police/complaining neighbour saying the cat came back the next day is met with death threats to keep the disinformation/hate going.

    Tricks in getting the disengaged angry are easier as internet evolves. Stupidity/reflection/attention span getting more negative. Even here, pithy/thoughtless group think comments on a paywalled article dominate extremely.

    Cost of living

    Low information/education voters will believe any lie over responsibility of President on everything. At the same time, war on Russia creating the inflation is a direct responsibility even if few people say it out loud, and Dem candidates were not going to say ending the war to bring prices down was path forward. Psychotic reaction of left/Europe on more war with Russia, and Trump is a puppet of Putin, is simply not a good mid term strategy, or 2028 strategy. Non corrupt high information voters will not help the evil self destruction.