You know the -ism about having to rotate a USB-A plug at couple of times before it goes in? Well, IRL have a USB-A cable that I have to rotate exactly once. Never 0, never more than once. Exactly once, every time. If I try to cheat it and pre-rotate it before the first time, I still have to rotate it. Exactly. Once.
I’m certain it’s simply magic; there’s no other explanation for it. Sure, I can visually check and make it go in the first time – it’s not that kind of magical. It just… blindly, always, reliably, only inserts exactly the second time.
I had no other place to post this. I don’t know what it portends, or otherwise means. I just had to tell someone about it.
I have a magic USB-A cable.
Simple – your cable is quantum-entangled with another cable in a parallel timeline where its owner also has to rotate their cable, but the exact opposite way. You see, they are both entangled in opposite states so must always be in opposite orientations. It’s sort of like the Pauli exclusion principle in action across the Many-Worlds interpretation of quantum theory.
It’s so simple; why didn’t I see it‽
Accom’s Razor: that which cannot be explained, can be explained by quantum entanglement.