I’m wondering if I have a weed problem. I started taking weed to help my depression then after a while I take it every day. Usually edibles and vaping sometimes just vaping.

And I’ve been taking T breaks and it seems like when I’m on a break everything is horrible life sucks and it makes it hard to be on a t break. So I maybe don’t take it for a day or two each month. I keep saying I’m on a T break but I never really am.

All I do is get stoned, sometimes with my friends, usually alone. That’s all I do. If I’m not working I’m high or getting high soon.

I’m trying to find a girlfriend but sometimes they want to see me and I’m too high to go see them. That’s happened to me and it sucks I really want a girlfriend and I missed those chances because I was stoned.

I know weed isn’t addicting but is there another thing for it? Should I move away and try to start over sober?

  • Weslee@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    I got into the habit of smoking it everyday, even while working since I work from home, I started for the same reason as you also, weed would make everything feel better.

    One thing you gotta remember is weed isn’t actually changing your life, how you feel while stoned is absolutely possible for you to feel that way while not stoned.

    I would suggest trying to take longer breaks off it, you will probably feel really shit and be moody to those around you for a few days, but once you break the cycle it becomes alot easier, also being productive helps my mood, almost works as good as being stoned.