For things like Samsung, can just not buy their phones as a drop in the ocean, which is better than nothing.

But afaik, some weapon manufacturers don’t make consumer products

Yeah there’s the obvious stuff like writing letters to local rep or participating in like antisamsung protests ( happens in S. Korea)

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Chasing the wrong cloud, my friend. Instead of purging specific companies trading questionable goods, one can advocate among friends and family to buy less questionable alternative.

    For example, instead of buying a tool that can be used for assault, get interested in ones physical security. Get to know main types of threats and how to prevent them without the use of assault tools: CCTV, whistles, locks, hinges, appropriate metals / materials and where to apply them. Once you yourself are okay with security you may start recommend it to your friends and family.

    By spending money and time in security industry you’re pulling away money that could be used to support arm dealing. Additionally, you prevent the need for arm’s use, making it pointless for your enemy to invest in weapons.