[email protected]
Underage, you will be unbanned when you turn 18 (happy birthday in advance)[email protected]
Underage, you will be unbanned when you turn 18 (happy birthday in advance)
Thank you for chiming in. Exceptions for federated users would be nice, especially for someone turning 18 in a few months.
Yea, I agree, and I would personally be for that. But I am not well versed in the law, and don’t have any stake in the legal side of it all except for me liking, so it’s not my decision.
I really hope people understand where we as admins are coming from, we really take no enjoyment out of banning anyone (except for spammers).
That’s one of the most transparent lies I’ve heard. Power corrupts, and I’ve seen plenty of admins who certainly do enjoy it, and who do it to people to prove a point or as a knee jerk reaction to disagreement. You can call it whatever you want to call, you can deny this fact but it does happen and I’ve seen it myself, and I’d prefer you don’t try to feed me lies I’m smart enough to see right through.
I understand that my comment was ambiguous, I tried to say that the current admins, in my experience, don’t enjoy banning people.
I’m sorry but the “(happy birthday in advance)” doesn’t really paint that ban in the best light
Yeah that doesn’t at all, it definitely does come across as enjoying it and makes his statements less believable.
That wasn’t meant to sound mean, just something that popped up in my head because it was about a birthday.
I don’t know if that’s entirely true for all or even most of the current ones, it certainly isn’t for past admins, who may or may not still be on the team.
Eh, well… I can’t really respond to that statement if I don’t know who you are talking about.
Let’s hope that you can work something out!