Checkmate atheists.

    24 hours ago

    First, consider that the word “TACO” contains the same letters as “COAT,” proving that tacos are meant to cover our hunger, just as coats cover our bodies. Now, take “TACO” and assign numerical values using the standard A=1, B=2 system:

    T = 20 A = 1 C = 3 O = 15

    20 + 1 + 3 + 15 = 39

    Now, divide by the number of traditional taco toppings (lettuce, cheese, tomato, sour cream, and meat = 5):

    39 ÷ 5 = 7.8

    Which is suspiciously close to 7.77, a number often associated with jackpot winnings in slot machines. Clearly, tacos were designed to be the ultimate prize of the universe.

    But it goes deeper—flip “TACO” backwards, and you get “OCAT.” If you say this out loud, it almost sounds like “Oh, cat!” Proof that tacos and cats are spiritually connected. This explains why internet culture revolves around both.

    Finally, consider the fact that “Tuesday” has 7 letters, the number of days in a week. If you remove the number 2 (since Tuesday is the second day of the workweek), you get 5—exactly the number of traditional taco toppings! This proves that Taco Tuesday was destined by the cosmic order.

    Are we living in a taco simulation? The evidence is undeniable.