Iblees was arrogant when God demanded the angels and him, who is a jinn and has free will, to prostate before Adam. He believed to be better than humans, because God made them from clay, but the jinn are made from fire. Sins stem from arrogance towards God and towards other people. Incidently the greatest crimes of humanity stem from arrogance amd believe of superiority of one people over another or one tyrant over his people.
Plot twist: Heaven is the bad place that all the real sinners go to, while Hell is the utopian paradise everyone else goes to.
Well Lucifer, according to the lore, has actual evidence that God existed and still decided to rebel. Something’s not quite right with the Big Dude.
Iblees was arrogant when God demanded the angels and him, who is a jinn and has free will, to prostate before Adam. He believed to be better than humans, because God made them from clay, but the jinn are made from fire. Sins stem from arrogance towards God and towards other people. Incidently the greatest crimes of humanity stem from arrogance amd believe of superiority of one people over another or one tyrant over his people.
So God could show himself to us without affecting our free will?
All the homies hang with Lucifer.