Ah. That’s what existentialists say. While most absurdists would vehemently disagree.
Depends how you see it.
Existentialism is about creating meaning for yourself because there is no objective meaning.
Absurdism is about accepting there is no objective meaning, even though humans naturally seek and see meaning in everything, acknowledging therein lies an absurd contradiction to human experience. (Then what Camus would say is you should rebel against this meaninglessness, by embracing the absurdity and enjoying it, which I agree sounds similar to existentialism).
Isn’t absurdism actually a subset of existentialism? Last time I looked Camus at least was a prominent existentialist.
Ah. That’s what existentialists say. While most absurdists would vehemently disagree.
Depends how you see it.
Existentialism is about creating meaning for yourself because there is no objective meaning.
Absurdism is about accepting there is no objective meaning, even though humans naturally seek and see meaning in everything, acknowledging therein lies an absurd contradiction to human experience. (Then what Camus would say is you should rebel against this meaninglessness, by embracing the absurdity and enjoying it, which I agree sounds similar to existentialism).
I don’t see much contradiction here. Actually, your definition of absurdism sound a lot like Nietzsche’s nihilism to me.
i’m actually a bit confused, like, isn’t all of this nihilism?