In the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the far-right Alternative for Germany party surged in popularity during the recent snap elections. Euronews examines why. #EuropeNews
Ammon says that if the centre-left SPD and centre-right CDU, who are in the process of discussing forming a coalition, manage to put policies in place to solve Germany’s economic crisis, “the AfD, with the rest of their policies, won’t really appeal to the voters who supported them this time.”
This is horse shit. Not only do far-right parties appeal as much to feelings of inferiority as they appeal to real hardship, the CxU-SPD coalition won’t likely do much to improve anyone’s life either. Before the US election, the US economy was doing very well, but the average people were doing a bit worse. However, Trump’s propaganda worked extremely well.
This is horse shit. Not only do far-right parties appeal as much to feelings of inferiority as they appeal to real hardship, the CxU-SPD coalition won’t likely do much to improve anyone’s life either. Before the US election, the US economy was doing very well, but the average people were doing a bit worse. However, Trump’s propaganda worked extremely well.
Related: The AfD is coasting on anti-immigrant-sentiments, but east Germany (without Berlin) barely has any immigrants.