Consequence of warp speed, even long hours at impulse cause some discrepancy. They time sync with federation beacons after being out of touch for a while.
Isn’t that what the stardate is for? Since it seems unlikely humans would adopt a wildly confusing system that also doesn’t seem to be related in any way to earth or its culture.
At least that’s what I always assumed, the stardate is the unified federation calendar.
Imagine if the enterprise had to update all their clocks and schedules to align with Starfleet Headquarters
cannonoically, they do!
Consequence of warp speed, even long hours at impulse cause some discrepancy. They time sync with federation beacons after being out of touch for a while.
Time management is already likely a nightmare in the Federation due to all the differing planets/civilizations/etc
Isn’t that what the stardate is for? Since it seems unlikely humans would adopt a wildly confusing system that also doesn’t seem to be related in any way to earth or its culture.
At least that’s what I always assumed, the stardate is the unified federation calendar.
I was thinking about them dealing with Non-Federation planets (Romulan/Klingon/Ferengi/etc)
Oh yeah that’s probably a thing, right. Didn’t think of external relations
I heard Sisko received a commendation for using biogenic weapons on a planet with a 79 hour day
It was Picard performing King Lear for Q on a planet with a 6 hour day.
There was a “Men In Black” cartoon. One of the funniest episodes was that J couldn’t adapt himself to MIB’s 37 hour long day.