I hatched some quail and made sure they imprinted on me (why not, I was thrilled to watch anyway!) but my cats were also there and the brooder is a 55 gallon aquarium on my living room floor, so I think it’s safe to say my birds see them as the adults of the covey because they do this leg splay thing a lot, and lay on their backs all comfy-like.
I’ve seen owl babies lay down on their tummies but never rolling over like this. And they are a bit over 2 weeks in age, but they’ve been doing it for well over a week already.
I’m super pumped for this behavior, I hope it lasts. I can’t wait to see what weird shit the next generation I hatch picks up!
(Sorry for potato quality, I actually took this with an iPhone… really hard to capture this from across the room without disturbing them…)
Bring it on, I don’t know anything about imprinting, glad it’s getting weird! XD I have a small flock of no particular breed chickens and they trust my husband enough to follow him and stand much too close when he’s welding.