Oh, wow. I’ve always wondered about the crazy bathroom laws. I used to ask, “What’re they gonna do? Raid the bathroom and start checking genitals?” Turns out, yeah, that’s exactly what they’re gonna do. I hope the malicious idiots that voted for this get a taste of their own medicine when they become collateral damage.
Whoa, that’s even crazier. Are police not beholden to law? If not, what exactly is law enforcement in the context of the executive branch of government?
Oh, wow. I’ve always wondered about the crazy bathroom laws. I used to ask, “What’re they gonna do? Raid the bathroom and start checking genitals?” Turns out, yeah, that’s exactly what they’re gonna do. I hope the malicious idiots that voted for this get a taste of their own medicine when they become collateral damage.
There wasn’t even a bathroom law in Arizona. A bunch of men busted in there just to harass a lesbian.
Sounds like a lucrative lawsuit to me
Who could’ve ever possibly imagined that this would happen?
Oh anyone who can put two and two together…
Whoa, that’s even crazier. Are police not beholden to law? If not, what exactly is law enforcement in the context of the executive branch of government?
Sadly, in the US police officers aren’t required to actually know the law - https://www.mintpressnews.com/court-rules-police-dont-need-know-laws-enforce/217236/
They’ve always considered themselves above the law.
I am the law!