Hi all, I was browsing Madeinca.ca and realized that “web hosting” for me means VPS but means “here’s a Wordpress instance” to others.
I’m looking to host a basically nothing website - I just need to separate from my critical infrastructure. I see that Storm Web is $20/mo but I’m looking for $10 or under.
Any budget VPS recommendations?
Yeah I’m a little curious what “fully managed in”. StormWeb, for example offers nginx. I’d like to install Apache because that’s what I’m familiar with. I’d like to be able to letsencrypt, etc.
Ah, I see. Yeah, if you want manage the server at that level, you might need a VPS.
In my case, the host manages the server (I can make a few choices, such as which PHP version is available, but I don’t think I get to choose between Apache or nginx).
If the website doesn’t say explicitly, you can probably contact sales at whatever host you like best, and see what options they give you.