It makes more sense when you realize that the Democrats primary goal is fundraising, while winning elections is an ancillary benefit. As long as there’s a pretense of free and fair elections, they can function in basically the same manner they have been for the last 30 years.
Dems have 10000xmore governors, state and federal senators, state and federal representatives, and various other elected postitions. Or infinitely more really, since greens have jack shit.
To be fair, they do send out a massive number of emails begging for money to fund their losing strategy in the next election.
The Democrats are fundraising for their next election while the Republicans are cancelling Democracy. It’s so head-in-sand frustrating to watch.
It makes more sense when you realize that the Democrats primary goal is fundraising, while winning elections is an ancillary benefit. As long as there’s a pretense of free and fair elections, they can function in basically the same manner they have been for the last 30 years.
Name another party that loses more spectacularly. Gotta build it up so they can burn it down to the ground.
Green Party
The Dems have 100000 × more money and lose more than 100000 × harder
Dems have 10000xmore governors, state and federal senators, state and federal representatives, and various other elected postitions. Or infinitely more really, since greens have jack shit.
Politically, I’d be there if not for Jill Stein.
Yeah weird how she isn’t in the news anymore like she is an obvious plant to split the left leaning vote.