Horse owners are some of the most self righteous people I’ve ever come across, I’ve never seen a group of people who expect so many concessions from those around them, but are utterly unwilling to do the bare minimum in return.
And like hell am I running out with a shovel and a bucket if a horse shits outside my house.
What I want to know is why an article about horses in Northland is being illustrated by a picture of a horse in the Bay of Plenty.
Surely there are some Northland horses on file.
On topic: the horse owner person saying you would have to ban horses to avoid their poo should be careful what they wish for.
At least it’s not an AI image of a horse!
True. One day I will be nostalgic for this era.
Journalists are pretty lazy when it comes to file photos, just be glad it’s a horse at all.
True. At least it isn’t Hide The Pain Harold.