Selon un sondage réalisé par l'institut Elabe pour BFMTV et publié ce mardi 4 mars, une majorité de Français ont été "choqués" par l'altercation à la Maison Blanche entre Donald Trump, qu'ils jugent responsable, et Volodymyr Zelensky, dont ils ont une bonne image. 64% craignent également que le...
It’s a way higher number than that. Women, GSM, anyone not white, Muslims, disabled people, elderly people, children, students, immigrants, non-fluent English speakers, and of course, anyone outspoken against the regime.
For 53% of American people, the United States is no longer an ally of US.
The time to express that was 4 months ago. Now you can only buy a leopard-proof mask and pray.
It’s a way higher number than that. Women, GSM, anyone not white, Muslims, disabled people, elderly people, children, students, immigrants, non-fluent English speakers, and of course, anyone outspoken against the regime.
You say anyone not white but I an pretty sure lotta non white folk voted for the cheeto man
And women.
What’s the Groupe Spéciale Mobile got to do with anything?
Lol lots of assumptions being made here.