Oh yeah buddy, been using swiftkey for idk 6 years but I’m not in the habit of using it most of the time because half the words I swipe come out the wrong word 😄
It has to learn from your “style”. I’m using… something, can’t be bothered to check, but because I don’t let it phone home I’ve had to adjust my “style” to it’s default behavior. Wasn’t too bad learning it.
If you’re not using Swype or whatever it’s called on gboard give it a shot. I have dumb fingers and I can text in my work gloves.
Oh yeah buddy, been using swiftkey for idk 6 years but I’m not in the habit of using it most of the time because half the words I swipe come out the wrong word 😄
It has to learn from your “style”. I’m using… something, can’t be bothered to check, but because I don’t let it phone home I’ve had to adjust my “style” to it’s default behavior. Wasn’t too bad learning it.