I feel like that last panel should be “stop hitting yourself,” just to make it even more clear that it’s the bullies running the school.
The conservative manifesto is basically “it’s a person’s own fault if they’re having a bad time, but also let’s remove every available resource, oh and if they still manage to stay out of trouble let’s throw some extra roadblocks in the way.” From making marijuana illegal, to making it more difficult to legally immigrate, polluting the air and water, and now we’re even throwing pointless tariffs around and dropping vaccinations. It’s not enough to be careful and live well–if God didn’t designate you as one of the lucky few to survive hell on Earth, fuck you!
I feel like that last panel should be “stop hitting yourself,” just to make it even more clear that it’s the bullies running the school.
The conservative manifesto is basically “it’s a person’s own fault if they’re having a bad time, but also let’s remove every available resource, oh and if they still manage to stay out of trouble let’s throw some extra roadblocks in the way.” From making marijuana illegal, to making it more difficult to legally immigrate, polluting the air and water, and now we’re even throwing pointless tariffs around and dropping vaccinations. It’s not enough to be careful and live well–if God didn’t designate you as one of the lucky few to survive hell on Earth, fuck you!