Basically, I’m 25M and never had a real job. 2 days ago, my father just had a CVA and it’s at death’s door, having been the only income for our family his whole life. While he was a god awful parent to me, he did give us everything we needed, and he was a great dad to my sisters.
Now that he’s about to die, we not only lost our only provider, but he’s leaving us with a huge debt to pay (over 3M in local coin, around 3k USD) due to all the loans he took the last 2 years to buy fancy stuff for himself and my sisters, and being the older brother, it falls on me to bring the food to the table.
I honestly don’t know what to do at this point, I feel overwhelmed by all the sudden responsibilities, and running away isn’t an option, I can’t bring myself to leave my sisters and mother behind.
Considering 3 million dollars is more than most people make in a lifetime, you may want to consider default or bankruptcy, unless your mother and sisters are also looking for work.
How much do you have in assets?
They’re considering it, but my mom is already working herself off to maintain the house, and my sisters still have a future studying their careers and doing really well, so I’d rather keep them free to continue their studies instead of making them work too.
The comprehension in this thread is worse than usual. OP said 3 million in local coin or about $3k USD.
Thats cause he edited it