Finally got around to rebuilding an ‘old’ mountain bike I built for an ex. I’ve been riding the unicorn bell bike and trike which both weigh a tonne and handle shockingly. I figured may as well use the heavier ones as you get more exercise in in less time and no one will pinch them.
I forgot what it’s like to ride such a light bike. Weighs 8.5kg. Built it when the AUD was way way higher so ended up being a bargain for what it is ('bout $700, last service (!) for my other mtb years ago was $380).
So that’s the ‘new’ goon / snack / beach transport machine. I am tempted to put the unicorn bell and basket on as theft prevention devices.
But jeez riding it brings back memories which i think is why i left it so long. Happy it still works well and the salt air down here hasn’t fucked it too much.
I am tempted to put the unicorn bell and basket on as theft prevention devices.
Do it. Establish dominance and go full Hello Kitty
it has to be something daggy
Yeah you’re right… the bike would get stolen and flogged even faster if it was Hello Kitty
lime green with xian stickers
It might get mistaken for a Lime scooter and be thrown in the Yarra. Same as if it looked like a Jesus bike.
Melbourne is such a colourful city
you’re right
Yeah, I’ve been riding a tank around, it’s so nice switching to a light weight bike.
I feel like it might need some spokey dokes as well to really bring out the color of the unicorn bell.
What’s everyone’s plans today? I’ll be attempting to clean my bathroom, give up halfway and go and read a book instead.
Talking it easy on the sore knee.
Gosh. I hope you’re medicating there?
Nah, not a lot of medication that’s suitable. Off the booze and green too. I’m not a fan of pain killers with mechanical injury as its easier to set it backwards. Luckily I’m able to rest. It’s improving, just not there yet.
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Possibly museum
Do a little housework.
Make some chili cheese bread
Write in my journal
Do some reading
Keep my fingers crossed regarding house
I’m not feeling too good so not much. I have someone coming over briefly but other than that it’s laundry and some tidying
Stay home, watch UFC and drink beer. Just finished third washing load 🥵
Our plan was to go to a play centre but it was booked out, so we just went to the local shopping centre instead.
The boys got to sit through the novelty of a grocery shop. Usually I’ll get things delivered or the MIL heads out for 3 hours by herself right before dinner time
Howl at the windz
Baby shower for my niece. I love her but I absolutely despise him, and that’s saying something for me.
Miniest has a cold. Porridge has been had, Temple Road Wellness Chai is brewing (she loves it and it helps). Pizza dough is proving (she is hungry and wants my homemade pizza). Elder is starting to complain of a headache 😞 Looks like I’m a cook and nurse today 👩🏼⚕️👩🏼🍳
Same thing we do every weekend.
Give us a hint?
Or I’m gonna assume it’s Strokin’
Attempting to clean the bathroom, giving up a binging movies from the 1990s
Visiting the kusama exhibition then thinking about the vacuuming (but probably not doing it)
Hahaha. I might get the vac out and give the floor a lick too. Maybe. Probably not.
Probably zonk out again lol
Hot + Windy = “I don’t wanna go to work today” 😭
Update: Am now at work. Still don’t wanna.
Hope they have aircon and it’s a quiet day for you
tonight’s wave:
was actually pretty rough out there tonight.
E bonus wave. That one cleaned me up.
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Shopping done
Strays fed and watered
(The calico kitten is so funny. I will put a plate of food in front of her and she will still bully the other cats and eat off their plates lol)
Protein shake consumed
Nap time.
Edit: As I’m sure you can imagine, the care for my current role is near zero. I’ve moved all my meetings to another block between 11am and 2pm. Then free for the day! lol
Am on PT and am having an old (wo)man shouts at cloud moment, but whyyyy do people listen to things on their phones without headphones? I don’t wanna hear it. I’d play death metal loud as revenge but that’s not fair on all the other passengers.
So far, we’ve had some weird male-voiced asmr vaccine thing and now there’s cutesy pop. God I’m a grump, lol
You’re not a grump.
It’s fucking stupid. The saddest attention seeking behaviour.
Fuck them.
I have never found attention seekers to get positive attention. They just piss people off too much
this whole noise on trains and trams thing reminds me of a woman at a bar I used to go to who would snap her fingers all the time. For no reason. Bugged the shit out me and probably other people too.
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I feel like people are getting ruder.
Because they’re assholes.
Yep it’s so annoying, happened to me the other day on the train. Loud music and because it was so loud the person playing was screaming to talk to the person they were with.
Also people having loud phone conversations for everyone to hear.
And smelly foods being consumed in train.
I remember the bliss of Tokyo PT, no loud music, no loud talking, no phone convos, no food, the way it should be.
I guess the rain is my fault. I put washing out this morning and am not home to collect it.
I watered the plants
nah, 😘
sad Geoffrey update 🐩🦮🐕🦺🐶🐾🐕
He has hemangiosarcoma. So he probably has a few months before he’s gone. He won’t eat anything, except for treats. At least he’s eating the treats. Ahhhhhhhhh
I’m sorry. Give him as many treats as he wants
Oh no. All the treats for Geoffrey. The Vet told me to buy my cat a rotisserie chicken when he was diagnosed with lung cancer. Eating anything at all matters more that it being ‘proper’ food
I will be getting him a rotisserie chicken for sure, thank you.
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Oh no. Lots of hugs for you and Geoffrey. The time together is too short.
Poor thing :(
All the treats for Geoffrey.
I’m so sorry. Spend this time giving lots of hugs and treats.
So sorry. Pets are the best people. It’s so hard when they get sick.
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Wine is good to have with a meal. Not so good to party with.
Sugar free tonic, I assume? ;)
I tend to stick to gin and soda now after I realised how much sugar was in tonic 😳 still better then wine tho
I like a small cup of gin and a large cup of water. Drink from either as desired.
Today I learnt
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Museum day
They’ve reworked the First Nations gallery since the last time I was here, and it’s kind of awesome now
The Stawell and Hall galleries were always my favourite at the old museum.
Looking into the canoes stained with blood from head hunting!!
I am home. The wind is absolutely nuts right now. Howling out there. I got a bit of rain too.
a storm, dammit
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My husband is no tradie. Ask him about electronics and he’ll have you hooked up in no time. Ask him to put new hinges on a cupboard door and he has every tool known to man or woman spread out on the kitchen floor. It’s been 3 hours now. I know he’ll do a great job so I’m biting my tongue. Patience.
Cupboard hinges are sooo fiddley. Turns into a shitshow if you don’t have a like for like replacement
That’s exactly what’s happening. 1970s hinges being replaced.
What a good partner you are :)
Also 35
- I am disappoint
I thought it would be illegal to
Take kimchi into space
I’m still so mightily upset at the brand new dishwasher being non functional that I’ve packed up all my dirty dishes, including the ones that were in the dw, and am going to take them to the office to wash in their dishwasher tonight on the way to the laundromat. I am THAT angry at the prospect of having to hand wash dishes again. I will be demanding answers on Monday and a refund asap if it isn’t a simple fix. I got this close to freedom and I will not have it taken away from me again.
That’s a shame, it’s a really nice size and was a good price. I hope they give you a refund or a new one
Yeah, the depresso doom part of my brain thinks I somehow deserve this, which is insane. But goddammit no, I deserve to have a working dishwasher that I’ve worked hard for.
I am pissed off on your behalf about this! Hope it’s easily sorted tomorrow
Yeah. It was a bitch packing everything to take to the office and now waiting 1.5 hrs for it to run (although at least some of that time is being spent at the laundromat)… I hate dishes so much.