posted 12/21/2024

@[email protected]
created 01/06/2025

Uh Oh:

The community’s existence alone -without a clear satire label- has made a fair number of people uncomfortable. I hope ‘uncomfortable’ is the greatest extent of harm caused, though to be clear, greater distress not encompassed by this word is a valid response that I don’t take lightly. I’m currently working on a way to make the community’s intent clear without “ruining the magic”.

Please feel free to DM me if you don’t feel comfortable commenting publicly


Good morning! What a sad thing to read upon first waking lol. Everyone is pretty much saying the same thing, so I’ll clarify this bit

The purpose of Chad is to be a hated vector for general satire and high effort shitposting. The purpose of the community is to be a circlejerk-style platform for content that requires a level of moderator scrutiny I can’t expect from the mods of regular shitposting communities.

A lot of the content that seems to ‘fall flat’ are basically inside jokes and obscure references. I’ve made a post that’s only funny if you’re a law student; one that’s only funny to opera nerds and/or French speakers; some etymology/language gags; two best enjoyed by people with ADHD; one for people who read leftist theory. I include references to ITYSL, Monty Python, Napoleon Dynamite, and more. Much of it is parody of obscure Lemmy things that only the chronically online will catch.

This doesn’t mean I think your opinions and feelings about it are in any way invalid. The thoughts shared here have given me a lot to think about, so thank you

Chad Version

    14 days ago

    I personally enjoy your satire, I think I’ve even commented on a few of your “not Chad mctruth” shitposts. It does scare me as an early member of boards like r9k in my childhood though. It’s hard to tell the satirists and the shitposters from the actual bigots and true believers, and myself and some of the other dinosaurs on the internet have watched in real time as communities that started like yours turned into the online alt right. I think you would do well to clearly label it as satire; I know it takes away slightly from your intended audience, but I think it’s more important to make it clear to anybody who doesn’t get it that the ideas you are presenting are the ideas of clowns and are to be mocked.