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“Reading Rainbow” sounds like something the right would have an aneurysm over now lol
Damn, you are dead on. If this show came out today there would be hell. “Reading?” “Rainbows!” And it’s a dei hire!?!?!
The three spikes of the woke trident
My FIL just said about the team name change from the “Redskins” to the “Chiefs”: “the team name got dei’d”. This is shortly after making a big deal that our straws from the restaurant we were at were still plastic.
For fuck’s sake, I hadn’t heard about this yet. These educational bookshops in occupied East Jerusalem are super famous and one of the only places you can get good quality international books and academic journals in Palestine. Their customers are mostly foreign scholars and students. This is yet another proof point that Israel is proudly genocidal.
When Odeh requested to know the titles of the seized books and the names of their authors, Malka responded: “I cannot answer. We will confront [the Munas] with the books when I receive authorization … It will take time to go through them, which is why we are here requesting a several-day extension of the [Munas’] detention … Most of the books are in Arabic, some are in English, and some in German. I can’t go through them one by one.”
They don’t even know what the books are about yet but they’re more than happy to bust down a business’ doors and arrest the owners because some books have a palestinian flag. I swear to god I hope these people experience only misery for the rest of their, hopefully short, lives.
Out of curiosity, what’s the source of this meme?
Looks like the cat is a stock image: https://stock.adobe.com/images/A-cute-tabby-cat-sits-in-a-cozy-chair-and-reads-a-book.-Vintage-engraving-illust/790144997
And the cat+quote is a standalone meme, but I’ve never seen this LeVar Burton photo before.
EDIT: Could be a real photo?
That’s awesome. I love Burton even more now.
Wow thanks LeVar 🖖
Tell it, Geordi.
Levar Burton: The Hero we need!
Thank you, Lieutenant Commander LaForge. o7 Read plenty, live long, and prosper.
is that person AI gennerated? if yes why?
No, that’s LeVar Burton, a Star Trek TNG actor. He’s just that awesome.
I believe the board he’s holding isn’t even a photoshop, as he advocates for reading banned books IRL. But I can’t find his original post.
If this is AI I’m not even sure it matters. It’s so true and on-brand with him it’s painful. So with that being said I’d really doubt it was fake.
God this comment makes me feel old…
My first thought was that it’s an AI generated photo of LeVar Burton. The comment didn’t seem like “who is that”, more of a “why is this AI?”
The people who banned Mein Kampf were
Edit: I’ve since reevaluated what good guys means and now disagree with my own statement
Nah, actual good guys don’t ban it, they annotate it before publishing it so we can see how dumb its original author was.
Honestly it should be in every library.
It speaks for itself. That’s what books do.
Honestly I disagree.
Should a book detailing how to kill yourself with household items be in a school library? Sometimes it’s about protecting people from themselves.
I do agree that Mein Kampf should not be banned (and funnily enough, contrary to popular belief it never was banned in Germany), but please don’t put it in every library. I would feel weird handing a child a copy of it, even if it was annotated. They lack the critical thinking skills and context surrounding it, and might misinterpret its contents. Anyway I’m not saying I’m right, that’s just my opinion.
PS: I like your phrase “it speaks for itself” because in my eyes, all books “speak” to you, but not all of them say the right things. It’s up to the reader to interpret it, and not everyone is capable of that.
I guess “prominence” is kind of an automatic filter. Libraries have no interest in stocking a book that tells one how to kill themself, but they can should curate books that are controversial, but interesting.
There is absolutely no reason to ban Mein Kampf. If anything is truly shows how unhinged he was and perhaps gives the reader an insight into what to look for before voting for another fascist dictator… Well, maybe next time.
Edit: just realised the meme called all book banners not good guys instead of bad guys. And I agree the Bavarian government are definitely not good guys. Still left the original reply for ceomleteness’ sake even though it’s based on a wrong premise.
I agree that it should not be banned. However this one mistake isn’t enough to label the people who banned it as bad guys. Overall the people who banned it, namely the Bavarian government, did an OK job at managing their state. They are conservative to be sure and passed a bunch of other bad legislation but not enough to make them bad guys. I associate bad guys with movie villains and while there are governments around the world that are on that level the Bavarian government isn’t amongst them.
You can buy it off Amazon today. It’s not banned.
It’s absolute trash is what it is. Ask anyone who’s actually read it, and it’s poorly written, meandering points that never go anywhere, and a lot of repetition ad nauseam.
It’s a very badly/poorly written book.
More people should read it so they can dispel the mysticism that Hitler was some sort of genius evil overlord.
Hitler was a complete dipshit. Read Mein Kampf and discover this for yourself.