Love having some green inside with the amount of snow we’ve been getting. Anyways I really enjoy Pothos, Alocasia and Ficus. They just grow so easy in my place.
Spider plants.
The expression on my husband’s face when I found a sad spider plant after Halloween and said “Do you think I can save it?” would tell you everything you need to know about how well I keep plants. I’ve got two black thumbs.
Somehow, though, I’ve kept this reject spider plant alive for 6 years, and propagated it to make dozens of plants for other folks.
I’ve absolutely neglected this thing, and somehow it loves it. Water? Might happen weekly, might happen monthly. Sunlight? I forget to open the blinds half the time. Laves crusting up? I just chop them off and hope for the best. It’s indestructible!
I’ve never actually owned one but heard a much. Reminds me of zz plants, lol.
Can’t have them inside due to cats. But I’ll say kitty grass (grown on the balcony) for the effect it has when deployed.
What happens?
Kitty grass / catnip gets them sorta high and they get super cute rolling around in it / eating it.
I accidentally killed a succulent once by accidentally over watering it because I didn’t know I was doing that. Don’t know what type it was, but I liked it. I also used to have a small bamboo that I don’t remember what happened to it. Either way, they were/are my favorite plants since they were easy enough to keep alive on my desk.
Hell yes ! Plants kick ass !
Big pothos fan myself. Have a nice Brazil , a few silver ( fuzzy leaves) and the regular (wish I knew the name but the common version) pothos growing wild in my place. Some of the runners are 30’ long and go around corners into the next room 😁.
They seem to do well in every location , I just adjust the water for the degrees of lighting.
I’m about to chop up a pilea that has gotten out of hand. It was a stunning specimine , very full with about 20 pups then it started getting leggy and dropping leaves. It is in a huge pot but got rootbound. So all my friends are about to get plants to take home 🤙
One is the best things about plants is sharing them.
True story!
I do home improvement and I’ve traded a lot of plants over the years with customers. It’s fun