• shittydwarf@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    1 month ago

    Weightlifting, specifically barbell training. My whole life I was sort of intimidated by the gym and heavy lifts, but I always wanted to get big. During Covid I finally decided to pick up a barbell and a rack and learn how to do it. I couldn’t believe how straightforward it was, the secret is that there is no secret. Lift + eat + sleep + repeat = become the brick shithouse you always wanted to be.

    Reddit had a few really good and active lifting communities. There were interesting program reviews, sometimes everyone would run super squats together and report on the various effects of drinking a gallon of whole milk per day on the digestive tract. And I could help others join in and start lifting themselves into their best selves, since not many people in my real life circle are interested

    • theskyisfalling@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      1 month ago

      I wish it really were that simple. Maybe you are still young but as middle age rolls around so do the stupid fucking injuries that appear from no where xD

      • shittydwarf@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        1 month ago

        I’m in that demographic hah. It really does protect you from injuries, make you more resilient, and improve your health markers. My cholesterol, blood pressure and everything else related to the heart are perfect, in a family riddled with heart disease. Chronic lower back pain all but gone (herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, arthritis and lumbar lordosis…) honestly I feel better than in my 20s

        • theskyisfalling@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          1 month ago

          Oh yeh I 100% know it is beneficial and like you I have staved off issues my family seem to all suffer with by strengthening and generally staying fit. However the last couple of years I have broken each foot (1 running and the other kick boxing) and coming into my third year of different shoulder problems.

          I’m seeing a physio and sorting it all out but in my 20s and early 30s I was either lucky or just didn’t seem to get injured. Now it looks like it will be a regular occurrence and it is super demotivating. I will however, not give up, every time an injury stops me from doing one thing I’ll pick up another in the meantime!