I have schizophrenia however you won’t even know it unless I tell you myself, I only have delusion of reference and delusion of persecution. I feel like people want to harm me or mocking me. I don’t hear any voices though which is the major symptom of schizophrenia. I am afraid of water and soap too.
AMA :)
Paranoid Schizophrenia, or schizophrenia classic? I worked with a guy that developed schizophrenia shortly after starting, and it changed him considerably. HR knew him before the change, and described him as “a little autistic.” He wouldn’t wash his clothes or shower, had trouble taking care of himself, etc. He was a good guy, and I kept in touch with him for a while after I stopped working there. The negative symptoms really impacted his life.
How old are you? You symptoms could still be manifesting if you’re young enough.
Thanks for sharing, I am 21 years old.
I hope this is not true, I don’t want to be like we see on movies.
Keep an eye on it and ask your loved ones to keep an eye on it too. It can get much worse with age, and tends to be harder to recover from after every major episode.