Possibly with tents numbering in the tens or hundreds of thousands. And that became such a halting thought that I forgot to rinse the shampoo out of my hair.
Possibly with tents numbering in the tens or hundreds of thousands. And that became such a halting thought that I forgot to rinse the shampoo out of my hair.
Does a healthy economy look like people choosing between food and rent? The stock markets are doing better than ever, but wages have been outpaced by rent and food since the 80s. To call an economy on a trajectory that ends in hoovervilles healthy because the capitalists are getting even richer is some neoliberal horseshit.
@[email protected]
@[email protected] fair point. The Biden recovery wasn’t raising all boats equally, but effort was being made to stimulate job creation in many parts of the economy. Not only have programs and grants that created jobs had their funding disrupted, we are now “potentially” paying 65K of the 2.1 million federal employees not to work for 7 months? I stress “potentially” as Elon made the same offer at Twitter and then just didn’t pay.
Nobody is arguing that Trump is better, I am stating that the working class’s boats were continuing to sink under Biden. This isn’t a turn around, this is a downwards acceleration.