• tracker@sh.itjust.works
    1 month ago

    The breakdown by age group is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what I expected to see… makes no sense! Don’t blame GenX and Boomers for our future problems…

    • Kichae
      1 month ago

      It makes perfect sense if you’ve spent any time examining what’s being fed to people on YouTube and TikTok

      • BayesianOP
        30 days ago

        I’m a millennial trans woman who sometimes fucks cishet Gen Z men I feel that’s pretty much spot on in my observation

        There’s basically two generations of Gen Z: those who were adults pre-pandemic and take after millennials & those who were not.

        The ones who came of age in the pandemic have a lot more hangups about social interaction, have consumed a lot more misinformation, and generally have baggage about being criticized for their (admittedly shitty and ignorant) views they’ve clearly been fed by the algorithm and their friends

        These guys ARE NOT bad people but they caught serious brain rot during the pandemic and it’s gonna take time/empathy for them to fully recover. It does not help that there’s a certain type of moral superiority to millennial activism that they clearly are reacting to

      • psvrh
        29 days ago

        This. A thousand times this.

        The same implosion in young, urban support happened in the US for the Democrats, and for the same reason: millenials and zoomers are tired of being sucked dry for the comfort of Boomer and elder-X’ers housing-based retirement fund.

        Want to fix this? Forgive student debt and actually put shovels in the ground for housing (not “accelerator funds”, not tax breaks, not low-interest loans to developers: fucking buy equipment, pay people, and build shit)

        • RaskolnikovsAxe
          27 days ago

          The main driver of inflation in the housing market is investor driven demand. This can’t be fixed on the supply side, it’s fixed by regulation and enforcement of the investors and RE agents, strengthening consumer protection and insurance, and generally making investment in housing provide moderate ROI, as it used to, for families and live-in owners that expect to hold the property for at least 10 years.

          Some relief can be provided on the supply side, but it should be via government housing projects, not by greasing the wheels so that private wealthy investors can build more product to sell. That’s how we got into this mess.

        • kent_eh
          29 days ago

          Want to fix this? Forgive student debt

          Agreed, but let’s not forget which party (in the US) was trying to do that, and which one was actively blocking it.

          And which Canadian party would be more likely to do it here. (Hint: it ain’t the conservatives)

    • kent_eh
      29 days ago

      Don’t blame GenX and Boomers for our future problems…

      Blaming everything on “teh boomers” has always been a lazy and inaccurate meme.

      Especially when Young Conservatives (and Young Republicans) has been an active organization.

      • Dearche
        29 days ago

        If you follow worldwide trends, this actually matches anyways. It’s the youths that are voting far right the most, to the point that the occasional neo-nazi groups are almost entirely supported purely by the local youths.

        BTW, I’m not blaming them for being frustrated and going to the extremes. These last two decades have been bad, and there’s little hope of it getting much better for the next decade either. Especially with how vocal the left has been lately, it’s no surprise that the youth that wants change would vote the exact opposite of those that have been yelling in their ears all their lives.

        GenZ voting right is entirely the fault of the left. There hasn’t been a major rational voice in the left for so long, that the unheard right now sounds attractive for no more than being different.

        • RaskolnikovsAxe
          27 days ago

          It’s not the left’s fault that the right are hateful assholes.

          There’s no doubt that the right has targeted young men via traditional insecurities about masculinity. They’ve made a concerted effort to paint the left as weak, effeminate, soy boy, etc., because it plays to the insecurities of young men. This is why we see the domination of right wing thought in traditionally masculine spaces, such as gym culture, comedy, gaming, sports, MMA, crypto, etc.

          • Dearche
            26 days ago

            I hope this is sarcasm, because it is exactly this sort of thing that has been pushing the youth away from progressivism.

            When people yell and scream that “you are bad, and should feel bad because of it”, most people just want to say FU and go towards anywhere but the place the yeller is a part of.

            Much of the modern far right has been created by the far left, which is why so many Americans are freaking out that the president they voted for is doing the things they hate so much. Because it wasn’t about policy or ideals, it was about distancing themselves from the people that’s been yelling at them for a decade, saying that they’re bad people for things for simply existing.

            • RaskolnikovsAxe
              24 days ago

              No. Some people are capable of recognizing and admitting when they’ve made a mistake.

              Denying that the right has targeted young men because of their insecurities is ridiculous.

              And frankly if someone is going to become an even bigger hateful piece of shit because someone calls them out for being a moderately hateful piece of shit, then I’m really not interested in their allegiance. I’m sick of tolerating this dumbass bullshit. The left has spent too long assuming there is good faith here, and it’s clear there is no respect and no desire to find common ground. To these people I say I’m sorry you were manipulated, but you have to take responsibility for your actions and your decisions - and we can all see the endgame of the populist right wing. At this point if you’re digging in your heels then you’re just a garbage human and you deserve what’s coming to you.