you would be surprised how much folk ‘wisdom’ gets passed down through generations and continues to thrive. the thinking there being that natural is good because it can’t harm you (ignore mushrooms and beladonna, though). why take a pill produced in a lab somewhere, when you can just shove some onions in a sock?
I suspect that this is just communication breakdown, from times when people used herbs for medicinal purposes (liquorice root, for example, acts as an antiinflammatory by inhibiting breakdown of cortisol, and willow bark contains salicylic acid, a rough version of aspirin - the latter being acetylsalicylic acid, a derivative of it). but I think even the old witch in the woods would disapprove of onions in socks.
Remember, this person is eligible to vote.
She might not be 18.
But even a toddler playing the doctor knows that putting onions in a socks isn’t a cure
you would be surprised how much folk ‘wisdom’ gets passed down through generations and continues to thrive. the thinking there being that natural is good because it can’t harm you (ignore mushrooms and beladonna, though). why take a pill produced in a lab somewhere, when you can just shove some onions in a sock?
I suspect that this is just communication breakdown, from times when people used herbs for medicinal purposes (liquorice root, for example, acts as an antiinflammatory by inhibiting breakdown of cortisol, and willow bark contains salicylic acid, a rough version of aspirin - the latter being acetylsalicylic acid, a derivative of it). but I think even the old witch in the woods would disapprove of onions in socks.
No one is arguing any different. Just pointing out the assertion that they are eligible to vote is in determinate.
Might not be. Even still, how much intelligence do you think they’ll gain by the time they are?
Eligible doesn’t mean registered. A lot of these people are not big fans of things like government registries
A lot of these people do whatever their husbands tell them. Zero sense of self. They were raised to be obedient to their man and nothing more.